HomeMy WebLinkAboutState of Drug and Alcohol Use in Franklin County6/14/2010 WelcomeWelcome State of Drug and Alcohol Use in State of Drug and Alcohol Use in Franklin CountyFranklin County Prevention Needs Assessment:Prevention Needs Assessment: What? and Why?What? and Why? Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment1 6/14/2010 Agenda for the dayAgenda for the day •• Overview of the Community Overview of the Community Coalition for the Prevention of Coalition for the Prevention of Substance Use and AbuseSubstance Use and Abuse •• Prevention Needs Assessment: What is Prevention Needs Assessment: What is it?it? •• Findings from the 2009 assessmentFindings from the 2009 assessment •• Looking forward: What are the next Looking forward: What are the next steps?steps? The Community CoalitionThe Community Coalition •• Officially formed in Officially formed in August 2009August 2009 •• Comprised of Comprised of representatives from 12 representatives from 12 sectorssectors : to prevent substance use and abuse : to prevent substance use and abuse MissionMission among youth through the education of youth among youth through the education of youth and adults utilizing ongoing prevention and adults utilizing ongoing prevention programming implemented through aprogramming implemented through a bibi--county coalition.county coalition. Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment2 6/14/2010 Coalition to dateCoalition to date •• Meetings are held monthlyMeetings are held monthly--22Monday from Monday from ndnd 99--11 am at the Agricultural Heritage Building 11 am at the Agricultural Heritage Building on Franklin Farm Laneon Franklin Farm Lane •• Agenda items include a review of current Agenda items include a review of current activities/business, committee breakouts activities/business, committee breakouts and work on upcoming activitiesand work on upcoming activities •• Volunteer driven effort; the coalition has Volunteer driven effort; the coalition has applied for funding to coordinate events applied for funding to coordinate events with a community focuswith a community focus ActivitiesActivities •• The Coalition is currently coordinated The Coalition is currently coordinated through efforts of HCP, Franklin/Fulton through efforts of HCP, Franklin/Fulton Drug and Alcohol with Fulton County Drug and Alcohol with Fulton County Center for Families acting as the Fulton Center for Families acting as the Fulton Co. arm of the coalitionCo. arm of the coalition •• ACTIONACTION--oriented group, working to oriented group, working to impact the community through youth impact the community through youth activities and educationactivities and education Insert your logo here! Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment3 6/14/2010 Since August 2009Since August 2009 •• first official coalition meetingfirst official coalition meeting AugustAugust2009: 2009: •• PA Youth Survey administrationPA Youth Survey administration Fall 2009: Fall 2009: •• worked with HCP Oneworked with HCP One--byby-- October 2009:October 2009: One group to offer a free showing of TwilightOne group to offer a free showing of Twilight •• : Skate and Dance event: Skate and Dance event February 2010February 2010 •• Skate and Dance, Reading for Skate and Dance, Reading for May 2010:May 2010: Life Fair and 5K Run for Your LungsLife Fair and 5K Run for Your Lungs •• Healthy Moms Healthy Babies Fair Healthy Moms Healthy Babies Fair June 2010:June 2010: (6/23) and Kick off Your Drug Free Summer (6/23) and Kick off Your Drug Free Summer event (6/21)event (6/21) What is the Prevention Assessment Plan?What is the Prevention Assessment Plan? •• Designed by the Bureau of Drug and Designed by the Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Program (State Agency) to Alcohol Program (State Agency) to Profile:Profile: Population needsPopulation needs –– ResourcesResources –– Readiness to address needs and gapsReadiness to address needs and gaps –– •• The process involves the collection The process involves the collection and analysis of data to define and analysis of data to define problems within a geographic area.problems within a geographic area. Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment4 6/14/2010 SAMHSA’s SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention FrameworkStrategic Prevention Framework AssessmentAssessment Profile population needs, resources, and CapacityCapacity EvaluationEvaluation readiness to address needs and gaps Mobilize and/or build Monitor, evaluate, capacity to address needs sustain, and improve Sustainability & Sustainability & or replace those that fail Cultural CompetenceCultural Competence Develop a Implement evidence- Comprehensive based prevention Strategic Plan programs and activities PlanningPlanning ImplementationImplementation Why complete a Prevention Assessment Why complete a Prevention Assessment Plan?Plan? •• County Drug and Alcohol Agencies County Drug and Alcohol Agencies (aka Single County Authority or (aka Single County Authority or “SCAs”) must use data driven decision“SCAs”) must use data driven decision-- making process to determine: making process to determine: The key issues which will be addressedThe key issues which will be addressed –– The risk and protective factors influencing The risk and protective factors influencing –– these key issuesthese key issues Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment5 6/14/2010 DataData--Driven Decision MakingDriven Decision Making •• Deliberate process to collect, analyze, interpret, Deliberate process to collect, analyze, interpret, and apply information from substance use and and apply information from substance use and consequence data to drive prevention efforts.consequence data to drive prevention efforts. •• Ongoing and integrated data analyses are critical Ongoing and integrated data analyses are critical to:to: identify problems and set priorities,identify problems and set priorities, √√ assess and mobilize capacity for using data, assess and mobilize capacity for using data, √√ inform prevention planning and funding inform prevention planning and funding √√ decisions,decisions, guide selection of strategies to address guide selection of strategies to address √√ problems and goals, problems and goals, monitor outcomes and adjust plans as needed. monitor outcomes and adjust plans as needed. √√ Effective prevention programs Effective prevention programs and strategies are essential to successfully and strategies are essential to successfully reduce risk factors and enhance protective reduce risk factors and enhance protective factors in specific targeted populations factors in specific targeted populations and geographic areas and and geographic areas and to impact the identified issues.to impact the identified issues. Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment6 6/14/2010 Risk FactorsRisk Factors Community DomainCommunity DomainIndividual And Peer DomainIndividual And Peer Domain •• Low Neighborhood AttachmentLaws & Norms Favorable To Substance Abuse • Community Disorganization • Perceived Risk/Harm Of • Availability Of ATOD Substance Abuse • Laws & Norms Favorable To • Favorable Attitudes Toward Substance Abuse Substance Use • Lack of Clear Healthy Beliefs & Standards From Parents, Schools Family DomainFamily Domain & Communities • Family Management Problems • Perceived Availability • Lack Of Monitoring/Supervision • Favorable Parental Attitudes School DomainSchool Domain Toward ATOD Abuse • Lack Of Clear, Enforced Policy On The Use Of ATOD • Availability Of ATOD In School Protective FactorsProtective Factors Community DomainCommunity DomainIndividual and Peers DomainIndividual and Peers Domain •• Community BondingSocial Competence •• Healthy Beliefs & Clear StandardsAutonomy •• Community Supported Substance Sense of Purpose & Belief in a Bright Abuse Prevention Efforts & Future Programs • Problem Solving Abilities • Availability of Constructive Recreation Family DomainFamily Domain • High Monitoring of Youth’s • Consistency in Rule Enforcement Activities • Reinforcement for Pro-Social Involvement School DomainSchool Domain • High Parental Monitoring • Strong Classroom Management • Strong Parental Bonding • Norm of Positive Behavior • Strong Family Bonding • Pro-Social Opportunities • Positive Family Dynamics • Social Bonding • No ATOD Use/Abuse • Social Skills Competency • Extended Family Networks • Academic Achievement • Regular School Attendance Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment7 6/14/2010 Drug and Alcohol Prevention ProfileDrug and Alcohol Prevention Profile •• Part I Part I ––County Information including County Information including demographics, geographic makedemographics, geographic make--up, up, historical information, education, historical information, education, businesses, and other important businesses, and other important informationinformation •• Part II Part II ––Needs AssessmentNeeds Assessment How was the assessment done?How was the assessment done? •• Identify assessment team members (a Identify assessment team members (a workgroup of the Community Coalition)workgroup of the Community Coalition) •• Identify communities with high needIdentify communities with high need We chose to survey all major communities and We chose to survey all major communities and –– group the communities by school district group the communities by school district including Chambersburg, Waynesboro, including Chambersburg, Waynesboro, Greencastle, and Tuscarora/FannettGreencastle, and Tuscarora/Fannett--MetalMetal •• Administer the Administer the BDAP Key Representative BDAP Key Representative Survey on Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Survey on Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other DrugsDrugs Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment8 6/14/2010 BDAP Key Representative SurveyBDAP Key Representative Survey ••Survey required by BDAP as part of Survey required by BDAP as part of Needs AssessmentNeeds Assessment ••Key Representative defined as Key Representative defined as “a professional or volunteer “a professional or volunteer person who has special person who has special knowledge and experience in knowledge and experience in a particular role in the a particular role in the community that is somehow community that is somehow affected by substance abuse”affected by substance abuse” ••Surveyed perception of drug availability Surveyed perception of drug availability as well as community outlookas well as community outlook Surveys had to be distributed to representatives of the following Surveys had to be distributed to representatives of the following sectors, sectors, :: chosen by BDAP for their variety of perspectiveschosen by BDAP for their variety of perspectives •• •• Law EnforcementLaw Enforcement AgingAgingServicesServices •• LawyerLawyer •• Business and IndustryBusiness and Industry •• Local Government Local Government •• Clergy/FaithClergy/Faith--based based OfficialOfficial OrganizationsOrganizations •• MediaMedia •• Community Coalition Community Coalition •• MedicalMedical MemberMember •• EducationEducation •• Community Community •• Youth OrganizationYouth Organization OrganizationOrganization •• Drug and Alcohol Drug and Alcohol •• Social Service Agencies Social Service Agencies Prevention professional Prevention professional •• Judge/District Judge/District or volunteeror volunteer MagistrateMagistrate Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment9 6/14/2010 Distribution of SurveyDistribution of Survey •• Contact lists were created utilizing school Contact lists were created utilizing school websites, Human Service Days registration websites, Human Service Days registration lists, Chamber of Commerce websites, lists, Chamber of Commerce websites, county website, etc.county website, etc. •• Surveys were distributed via Survey Surveys were distributed via Survey Monkey, an online survey collection tool Monkey, an online survey collection tool that allows for analyzing of datathat allows for analyzing of data •• Data was submitted to BDAP by Jan 1Data was submitted to BDAP by Jan 1 Distribution of SurveyDistribution of Survey •• More than 1,600 surveys were More than 1,600 surveys were distributed; more than 470 returneddistributed; more than 470 returned 336 returned; 1109 sent336 returned; 1109 sent –– ChambersburgChambersburg 55 returned; 198 sent55 returned; 198 sent –– WaynesboroWaynesboro 51 returned; 217 sent51 returned; 217 sent –– GreencastleGreencastle returned 33 of 95returned 33 of 95 –– Tuscarora/FannettTuscarora/Fannett--MetalMetal •• Chambersburg was the only Chambersburg was the only community to have representation community to have representation from each sectorfrom each sector Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment10 6/14/2010 BDAP Key Representative Survey Results BDAP Key Representative Survey Results -- ChambersburgChambersburg ••83.9% agree that schools in 83.9% agree that schools in Chambersburg support “no use” Chambersburg support “no use” messages about tobacco, alcohol, messages about tobacco, alcohol, and other drugsand other drugs •• 79.2% agree there is a drug or alcohol 79.2% agree there is a drug or alcohol problem in Chambersburgproblem in Chambersburg •• 89.1% feel that “drug selling” describes or 89.1% feel that “drug selling” describes or affects Chambersburgaffects Chambersburg How severe has the impact of use/abuse of substances been How severe has the impact of use/abuse of substances been in Chambersburgin Chambersburg BDAP Key Representative Survey, Chambersburg Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment11 6/14/2010 In your opinion, how easy is it for adults in Chambersburg In your opinion, how easy is it for adults in Chambersburg to get the items listed below?to get the items listed below? 4.50 3.95 3.91 4.003.72 3.47 3.40 3.28 3.50 3.17 3.153.14 3.14 3.02 3.00 2.95 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 cigars, snuff,Inhalantsmedical reasonsSupplementsSteroids andMethamphetamineMDMA (Ecstasy)Date Rape Drugs (Rohypnol, GHB, Other Illegal DrugsHeroin Cocaine/Crack drugs for non- (cigarettes, and Ketamine) MarijuanaDissociative DrugsHallucinogens and Alcohol Steroidal TobaccoPrescription BDAP Key Representative Survey, Chambersburg In your opinion, how easy is it for youth in Chambersburg In your opinion, how easy is it for youth in Chambersburg to get the items listed below?to get the items listed below? Average Rating (4=very easy, 1=very hard) 4.00 3.383.38 3.26 3.50 3.17 3.08 2.94 2.91 2.89 2.83 2.802.79 2.77 3.00 2.57 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, snuff,InhalantsMarijuana (pot, grass, weed, etc)Alcohol (beer, wine, liquor, etc)Prescription drugs for non-medicalCocaine/CrackOther illegal drugsSteroids and Steroidal SupplementsHeroinMethamphetamineMDMA (Ecstasy)Hallucinogens & Dissociative DrugsDate Rape Drugs (Rohypnol, GHB, and chew, etc) reasons Ketamine) BDAP Key Representative Survey, Chambersburg Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment12 6/14/2010 What age groups do you think are the most impacted by the use/abuse What age groups do you think are the most impacted by the use/abuse of substances in Chambersburg?of substances in Chambersburg? (select more than one if appropriate) (select more than one if appropriate) BDAP Key Representative Survey, Chambersburg BDAP Key Representative Survey Results BDAP Key Representative Survey Results –– GreencastleGreencastle ••85.7% agree that schools in 85.7% agree that schools in Greencastle support “no use” Greencastle support “no use” messages about tobacco, messages about tobacco, alcohol, and other drugsalcohol, and other drugs •• 87.7% agree there is a drug or alcohol 87.7% agree there is a drug or alcohol problem in Greencastleproblem in Greencastle •• 93.4% feel that “drug selling” describes 93.4% feel that “drug selling” describes or affects Greencastleor affects Greencastle Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment13 6/14/2010 How severe has the impact of use/abuse of substances been in How severe has the impact of use/abuse of substances been in Greencastle?Greencastle? BDAP Key Representative Survey, Greencastle In your opinion, how easy is it for adults in Greencastle to In your opinion, how easy is it for adults in Greencastle to get the items listed below?get the items listed below? Average Rating (4=very easy, 1=very hard) 4.50 3.963.96 3.72 4.00 3.61 3.58 3.32 3.50 3.14 3.13 3.043.04 3.003.00 2.86 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, snuff,Alcohol (beer, wine, liquor, etc)InhalantsMarijuana (pot, grass, weed, etc)Prescription drugs for non-medicalSteroids and Steroidal SupplementsCocaine/CrackMDMA (Ecstasy)Hallucinogens & Dissociative DrugsMethamphetamineHeroinOther illegal drugsDate Rape Drugs (Rohypnol, GHB, and Ketamine) chew, etc) reasons BDAP Key Representative Survey, Greencastle Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment14 6/14/2010 In your opinion, how easy is it for youth in Greencastle to In your opinion, how easy is it for youth in Greencastle to get the items listed below?get the items listed below? 4.00 3.503.50 Average Rating (4=very easy, 1=very hard) 3.36 3.50 3.28 3.183.17 3.12 2.972.972.962.96 2.89 3.00 2.73 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 cigars, snuff,Marijuana (pot,SupplementsSteroids andMDMA (Ecstasy)Cocaine/CrackHallucinogens &Date Rape Drugs (Rohypnol, GHB, grass, weed,AlcoholmedicationPrescription (cigarettes, and Ketamine) InhalantsHeroinDrugsOther Illegal Dissociative Methamphetamine Steroidal Tobacco Drugs etc) BDAP Key Representative Survey, Greencastle What age groups do you think are the most impacted by the What age groups do you think are the most impacted by the use/abuse in Greencastle? use/abuse in Greencastle? (select more than one if appropriate)(select more than one if appropriate) BDAP Key Representative Survey, Greencastle Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment15 6/14/2010 BDAP Key Representative Survey Results BDAP Key Representative Survey Results –– WaynesboroWaynesboro ••94.1% agree that schools in 94.1% agree that schools in Waynesboro support “no use” Waynesboro support “no use” messages about tobacco, messages about tobacco, alcohol, and other drugsalcohol, and other drugs •• 84.0% agree there is a drug or alcohol 84.0% agree there is a drug or alcohol problem in Waynesboroproblem in Waynesboro •• 94.0% feel that “drug selling” describes 94.0% feel that “drug selling” describes or affects Waynesboroor affects Waynesboro How severe has the impact of use/abuse of substances been How severe has the impact of use/abuse of substances been in Waynesboro?in Waynesboro? BDAP Key Representative Survey, Waynesboro Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment16 6/14/2010 In your opinion, how easy is it for adults in Waynesboro to In your opinion, how easy is it for adults in Waynesboro to get the items listed below?get the items listed below? Average Rating (4=very easy, 1=very hard) 4.50 4.00 3.92 3.76 4.00 3.593.59 3.32 3.273.25 3.22 3.50 3.173.16 3.11 3.08 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, snuff,Alcohol (beer, wine, liquor, etc)InhalantsPrescription drugs for non-medicalMarijuana (pot, grass, weed, etc)HeroinMDMA (Ecstasy)Cocaine/CrackOther illegal drugsHallucinogens & Dissociative DrugsMethamphetamineSteroids and Steroidal SupplementsDate Rape Drugs (Rohypnol, GHB, and chew, etc) reasons Ketamine) BDAP Key Representative Survey, Waynesboro In your opinion, how easy is it for youth in Waynesboro to In your opinion, how easy is it for youth in Waynesboro to get items listed below?get items listed below? 4.00 3.53 3.45 Average Rating (4=very easy, 1=very hard) 3.50 3.30 3.28 3.18 2.93 2.90 2.85 2.83 3.00 2.79 2.78 2.77 2.69 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Other Illegal Drugs cigars, snuff,grass, weed, etc)Prescription drugsCocaine/CrackMDMA (Ecstasy)SupplementsDissociative Drugs Date Rape Drugs Steroids and Methamphetamine (cigarettes, AlcoholInhalants Hallucinogens & Marijuana (pot, for non-medical TobaccoSteroidal Heroin reasons BDAP Key Representative Survey, Waynesboro Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment17 6/14/2010 What age groups do you think are most impacted by the use/abuse What age groups do you think are most impacted by the use/abuse of substances in Waynesboro of substances in Waynesboro (select more than one if appropriate)(select more than one if appropriate) BDAP Key Representative Survey, Waynesboro BDAP Key Representative Survey Results BDAP Key Representative Survey Results –– Tuscarora/FannettTuscarora/Fannett--MetalMetal ••96.7% agree that schools in 96.7% agree that schools in Tuscarora/FannettTuscarora/Fannett--Metal Metal support “no use” messages support “no use” messages about tobacco, alcohol, and about tobacco, alcohol, and other drugsother drugs •• 75.9% agree there is a drug or alcohol 75.9% agree there is a drug or alcohol problem in Tuscarora/Fannettproblem in Tuscarora/Fannett--MetalMetal •• 92.6% feel that “drug selling” describes 92.6% feel that “drug selling” describes or affects Tuscarora/Fannettor affects Tuscarora/Fannett--MetalMetal Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment18 6/14/2010 How severe has the impact of use/abuse of substances been in How severe has the impact of use/abuse of substances been in Tuscarora/FannettTuscarora/Fannett--Metal?Metal? BDAP Key Representative Survey, Tuscarora/Fannett-Metal In your opinion, how easy is it for adults in Tuscarora/FannettIn your opinion, how easy is it for adults in Tuscarora/Fannett-- Metal to get the items listed below?Metal to get the items listed below? 4.50 3.96 3.88 4.00 Average Rating (4=very easy, 1=very hard) 3.59 3.55 3.46 3.44 3.38 3.35 3.30 3.503.29 3.25 3.22 3.09 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 wine, liquor, etc) (cigarettes, cigars,grass, weed, etc)InhalantsSupplementsSteroids andPrescription drugsMethamphetamineCocaine/CrackOther illegal drugsDate Rape DrugsMDMA (Ecstasy)Dissociative DrugsHeroin (Rohypnol, GHB, snuff, chew, etc) Alcohol (beer,for non-medicaland Ketamine)Hallucinogens & Marijuana (pot, Steroidal Tobaccoreasons BDAP Key Representative Survey, Tuscarora/Fannett-Metal Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment19 6/14/2010 In your opinion, how easy is it for youth in Tascarora/ FannettIn your opinion, how easy is it for youth in Tascarora/ Fannett--Metal to get Metal to get the items listed below?the items listed below? Average Rating (4=very easy, 1=very hard) 4.00 3.40 3.503.20 3.19 3.08 2.81 2.78 3.002.712.71 2.67 2.62 2.50 2.25 2.50 2.20 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, snuff,Marijuana (pot, grass, weed, etc)InhalantsAlcohol (beer, wine, liquor, etc)Prescription drugs for non-medicalMDMA (Ecstasy)Cocaine/CrackSteroids and Steroidal SupplementsHeroinMethamphetamineOther illegal drugsDate Rape Drugs (Rohypnol, GHB,Hallucinogens & Dissociative Drugs and Ketamine) chew, etc) reasons BDAP Key Representative Survey, Tuscarora/Fannett-Metal What age groups do you think are most impacted by the use/abuse of What age groups do you think are most impacted by the use/abuse of substances in Tuscarora/Fannettsubstances in Tuscarora/Fannett--Metal? Metal? (select more than one if appropriate)(select more than one if appropriate) BDAP Key Representative Survey, Tuscarora/Fannett-Metal Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment20 6/14/2010 Identify additional data sourcesIdentify additional data sources •• Data sources analyzed for the reportData sources analyzed for the report ––BDAP Key Representative Survey (2009)BDAP Key Representative Survey (2009) ––PA Youth Survey (2007)PA Youth Survey (2007) ––Crime Data from PA Unified Crime Reporting Crime Data from PA Unified Crime Reporting (2008, 2009)(2008, 2009) ––Franklin County Probation Annual Report Franklin County Probation Annual Report (2008)(2008) ––Franklin County Drug/Alcohol Annual Franklin County Drug/Alcohol Annual Report (2008Report (2008--2009)2009) ––Interviews with stakeholders (2010)Interviews with stakeholders (2010) Your community experiencesYour community experiences • On the back of the evaluation form in your folder you will find the questions that were posed to community stakeholders • Please take a moment to complete the 5 questions about your observations for your selected community Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment21 6/14/2010 Identify data gapsIdentify data gaps ••Public health data could not be obtained due Public health data could not be obtained due to changes in data gathering methodsto changes in data gathering methods ••Local health facilities demonstrated a Local health facilities demonstrated a willingness to provide data for future reportswillingness to provide data for future reports ••Due to the centralization of most county Due to the centralization of most county services in Chambersburg it was difficult to fulfill services in Chambersburg it was difficult to fulfill the sector representation in the other areasthe sector representation in the other areas ••Local school district participation in Local school district participation in PA Youth Survey has been PA Youth Survey has been inconsistent and incomplete, leading inconsistent and incomplete, leading to a lack of complete datato a lack of complete data Needs Assessment FindingsNeeds Assessment Findings •• CountyCounty--wide findings includewide findings include ––Higher than average lifetime alcohol usage Higher than average lifetime alcohol usage among youthamong youth ––Higher than average and increasing DUI rates Higher than average and increasing DUI rates ––Higher than average youth inhalant usageHigher than average youth inhalant usage ––Higher than average lifetime tobacco usage Higher than average lifetime tobacco usage among youth among youth ––Higher than average prescription drug usage Higher than average prescription drug usage among youthamong youth ––Lack of availability of services in communitiesLack of availability of services in communities ––Lack of transportation to servicesLack of transportation to services Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment22 6/14/2010 Higher than average lifetime alcohol Higher than average lifetime alcohol usage among youthusage among youth •• In grades 6, 8, 10, and 12 according to In grades 6, 8, 10, and 12 according to 2007 PA Youth Survey as compared to 2007 PA Youth Survey as compared to national data from Monitoring the national data from Monitoring the Future, 2007Future, 2007 Higher than average and increasing DUI Higher than average and increasing DUI ratesrates •• Eighteen percent of high school seniors Eighteen percent of high school seniors report having driven under the influence of report having driven under the influence of alcohol and 23.4% report having driven alcohol and 23.4% report having driven under the influence of marijuana (2007 PA under the influence of marijuana (2007 PA Youth Survey)Youth Survey) •• DUI rates continue to increase for both DUI rates continue to increase for both juveniles and adults. Adults showed a 22% juveniles and adults. Adults showed a 22% increase from 2008 to 2009 and there was a increase from 2008 to 2009 and there was a 100% increase in youth DUI arrests from 2008 100% increase in youth DUI arrests from 2008 to 2009 (PA UCR Crime Reporting)to 2009 (PA UCR Crime Reporting) Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment23 6/14/2010 Higher than average inhalant usage Higher than average inhalant usage among youthamong youth •• Franklin County youth report 11.1% Franklin County youth report 11.1% lifetime usage for inhalants according lifetime usage for inhalants according to 2007 PA Youth Surveyto 2007 PA Youth Survey 88and 10and 10graders had the highest graders had the highest –– thththth usage rates (2007 PA Youth Survey)usage rates (2007 PA Youth Survey) •• Inhalants were reported to be very Inhalants were reported to be very accessible to youth (BDAP Key accessible to youth (BDAP Key Representative Survey, 2009)Representative Survey, 2009) Higher than average lifetime and past 30Higher than average lifetime and past 30--day tobacco day tobacco usage among youthusage among youth •••• 88, 10, 10, and 12, and 12Cigarette and smokeless Cigarette and smokeless grade students show grade students show thththththth significantly higher lifetime and pastsignificantly higher lifetime and pasttobacco product use were tobacco product use were --3030-- day tobacco usage (both cigarette day tobacco usage (both cigarette tabulated separatelytabulated separately and smokeless tobacco) than national and smokeless tobacco) than national data (PA Youth Survey, 2007)data (PA Youth Survey, 2007) Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment24 6/14/2010 Higher than average prescription drug usage Higher than average prescription drug usage among youthamong youth •• Students in 6Students in 6, 8, 8, 10, 10, and 12, and 12grades grades thththththththth surveyed in 2007 PA Youth Survey surveyed in 2007 PA Youth Survey report pastreport past--1212--month and pastmonth and past--3030--day day prescription drug usage higher than prescription drug usage higher than national rates (Monitoring the Future, national rates (Monitoring the Future, 2007)2007) Lack of services andLack of services and public transportationpublic transportation •• Key representative survey respondents in Key representative survey respondents in every community (with the exception of every community (with the exception of Chambersburg) reported a lack of Chambersburg) reported a lack of availability of services in their availability of services in their communitiescommunities •• Key representatives from every Key representatives from every community report a lack of community report a lack of transportation to services throughout the transportation to services throughout the countycounty Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment25 6/14/2010 Community FindingsCommunity Findings •• Key representatives report high perceived Key representatives report high perceived availability of heroin in Chambersburg, availability of heroin in Chambersburg, Greencastle, and WaynesboroGreencastle, and Waynesboro ––Excluding “Don’t Know” responses, the Excluding “Don’t Know” responses, the availability of heroin was seen as very or fairly availability of heroin was seen as very or fairly available by:available by: •• 84% of Greencastle respondents 84% of Greencastle respondents •• 69% of Waynesboro respondents69% of Waynesboro respondents •• 70% of Chambersburg respondents 70% of Chambersburg respondents •• Community members interviewed in Community members interviewed in Waynesboro report increasing heroin usage Waynesboro report increasing heroin usage and arrests in their areaand arrests in their area CommunityCommunityFindingsFindings •• Higher than average steroid usage in Higher than average steroid usage in at least one grade in all communities at least one grade in all communities surveyed in 2007 PA Youth Surveysurveyed in 2007 PA Youth Survey •• Higher perceived availability in Higher perceived availability in Chambersburg and Greencastle (2009 Chambersburg and Greencastle (2009 BDAP Key Representative Survey)BDAP Key Representative Survey) Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment26 6/14/2010 CapacityCapacity •• Resources necessary to meet Resources necessary to meet community needs community needs A prevention specialist available in each school A prevention specialist available in each school –– district dedicating time, energy and attention to district dedicating time, energy and attention to the needs specific to each communitythe needs specific to each community A centralized prevention center for afterA centralized prevention center for after--school school –– and weekend hours, providing healthy and weekend hours, providing healthy alternative activitiesalternative activities Sufficient funding to accommodate the above Sufficient funding to accommodate the above –– Restoration of tobacco prevention funding Restoration of tobacco prevention funding –– through master settlement fundsthrough master settlement funds Existing Prevention InfrastructureExisting Prevention Infrastructure in Franklin Countyin Franklin County •••• Franklin/Fulton SCA Franklin/Fulton SCA Pennsylvania State Pennsylvania State Administrator and Administrator and Police Community Police Community prevention specialistprevention specialistEducation OfficersEducation Officers •••• Healthy Communities Healthy Communities Waynesboro Waynesboro Partnership Partnership Communities That Communities That ••CareCare Community Coalition Community Coalition •• for the Prevention of for the Prevention of Women In Need Women In Need Substance Use and Substance Use and EducationEducation Abuse Abuse •• Keystone Health Keystone Health •• School resource School resource AIDS/HIV Education AIDS/HIV Education officersofficersProgramProgram •••• Head StartHead StartSummit HealthSummit Health Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment27 6/14/2010 Service GapsService Gaps •• One prevention specialist for two counties One prevention specialist for two counties •• Limited resources and funding Limited resources and funding •• Inconsistent participation of all districts in the Inconsistent participation of all districts in the Franklin County PAYS Franklin County PAYS •• Lack of data available from the local Lack of data available from the local hospital facilitieshospital facilities Key leaders, motivated community members, and Key leaders, motivated community members, and concerned citizensconcerned citizens in both Franklin and Fulton counties in both Franklin and Fulton counties are coming together to discuss prevention efforts are coming together to discuss prevention efforts and participate inand participate in Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment28 6/14/2010 Looking forwardLooking forward •• Supporting ongoing efforts in the Supporting ongoing efforts in the communitycommunity •• Future planningFuture planning KickKick--off Your Drugoff Your Drug--Free Summer Free Summer –– (June 21)(June 21) Rx drug take back program Rx drug take back program –– (August)(August) 11Night Mercersburg Night Mercersburg –– stst (December)(December) Save a Life Tour Save a Life Tour –– (Spring 2011)(Spring 2011) •• LongLong--term goalsterm goals What can you do?What can you do? •• , support activities and , support activities and Join the coalitionJoin the coalition offer your guidanceoffer your guidance--SIGN UP TODAY!SIGN UP TODAY! •• we need your help to keep we need your help to keep VOLUNTEERVOLUNTEER-- moving forwardmoving forward •• get others involvedget others involved Spread the wordSpread the word-- •• about the Coalitionabout the Coalition--join our join our Learn moreLearn more facebook group for updates, come to the facebook group for updates, come to the meetings, read emails, post your thoughtsmeetings, read emails, post your thoughts •• --attending group sessions like attending group sessions like Stay informedStay informed today!today! Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment29 6/14/2010 What we can do…What we can do… • Offer support, resources and information • Offer community events and outreach opportunities for your agency to increase awareness among youth and adults What questions do you have?What questions do you have? Thank you for coming. We hope to see you at future Coalition events. Please be sure to complete the purple evaluation found in your packet. Franklin County Prevention Needs Assessment30