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Early Intervention Provider Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2011
Staff: Trish Elliott, Ed Franchi, Megan Cook, Jennifer Lipko, Holly Divelbliss, Linda Hess
Providers: Jenn Hawbecker-UCP, Adam Rowland-Advanta, Theresa Miller-Invo Healthcare
(conference call)
Absent: Claire Hornberger
New Monitoring Tool
Quarterly Progress Monitoring forms will be in place on February 1st and all
agencies are required to be using them. Holly reviewed the form with providers
that were present. Providers are required to complete form; service coordinator
will review health insurance changes during family’s monitoring meeting. This
form will also tie in with cancellations. Holly reminded providers to keep MA
status up to date. Any changes on this form will be reflected in the IFSP.
Discussion with providers on “No Shows” and missed visits will be addressed
with families. Service Coordinators will have a discussion with families after
three consecutive missed visits. Once three missed visits have occurred, the SC
will talk to families and therapists will be instructed to stop therapy sessions until
the issue is resolved. Therapists need to let SC know when there have been
missed visits so that the SC can address the issue with the family if needed.
Debarment Requirements
Linda Hess, of fiscal, provided instructions for all three debarment websites that
providers need to be checking on staff on a monthly basis. An email from
providers to Trish with a monthly status of any findings is due by the end of each
month. This requirement was effective January 1, 2012. This new requirement
will be included in provider contracts, MH/ID/EI has a procedure statement for
this requirement, and providers will need to have a policy or procedure in place
as well. If anyone has any questions regarding the three debarment websites
please contact Linda Hess.
Cell phone chat!
An email was sent to all providers to remind staff that cell phone use during
meetings, monitorings, etc. is prohibited, unless it is for an emergency. When
cell phones are used during meetings it could potentially become a HIPPA
violation or create identify theft.
ECOs (Early Childhood Outcome)
Entry ECOs are due sixty days from development of IFSP; an exit is required to
be completed for each client that received a minimum of 6 months of services
and can be completed within 60 days prior to closing. In most circumstances the
therapist that completed the Entry ECO would be the one to complete the Exit
ECO. Holly currently has no issues with entries or exits.
Cancellations need to be completed on separate form from the contact note.
Cancellations also need to be completed as soon as they happen and submitted to
SCs as soon as cancellation and completed form happens. There is a cancellation
policy that is in place and signed by family and SC. Please note that make-up
sessions are considered to be a cancellation.
Holly reminded providers to have progress notes in by the fifth business day of
the month for notes from the previous month.
Fiscal Updates
Early Intervention has received a 1% budget freeze on funds for this fiscal year
(no specific funds were detailed).
March 24th, 2012 from 10 AM- 1PM: Franklin County Kids Fair @ 4th Street
Church of the Brethren.
March 27th- 29th: Early Intervention Verification at Franklin Administrative
Annex Building.
May 19th, 2012 from 10 AM- 1PM: Fulton County Kids Fest @ Southern Fulton
School in Warfordsburg, PA.
The meeting was adjourned. The next EI Provider meeting is on April 20th from 10 AM- 12 PM
in conference room 112 in MH/ID suite at 425 Franklin Farm Lane in Chambersburg.
Minutes by Jennifer Lipko