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The decision to convert open land to a different use is a step that should re-
ceive the utmost consideration. Our land is limited. It is not a commodity which can
be replaced by mass production in our factories. It is something which we must pre-
serve and use wisely.
When the decision is made to build a home, a street, a school, or a factory, it
must be realized that an indelible mark is placed on the land and a pattern of growth
is started. Depending upon how good or bad these patterns fit together determines
whether or not the community will reap the headaches of the problems or the rewards
of success. Although the actual transaction in the sale of land is a private matter,
the results are a vital concern to the total community.
In adopting and administering these regulations, it is the primary purpose of
the Franklin County Planning Commission to encourage the best development of the
County. The Commission believes that the best way to do this is to cooperate to the
utmost with the boroughs and townships in the County. The Commission and its pro-
fessional staff also intend to work as closely and cooperatively as possible with the
owners, developers, subdividers of the County -- whoever owns or controls land
that is to be used for a subdivision.
Any owner or builder who contemplates subdividing land in the County should
become familiar with these regulations. They are designed to achieve equal treat-
ment for all, and to provide clear-cut procedures for the preparation, submission
and review or approval of subdivision plans.
It is the function of the staff of the Planning Commission to confer, advise and
cooperate with the subdivider, but not to do the work of preparing the subdivision
plan. Best results will be obtained when the developer retains a qualified technician
to prepare the subdivision plan: A planner, landscape architect, engineer, surveyor,
etc. It will be necessary to have a registered engineer or surveyor prepare parts of
the preliminary and final plans. It is important that the person engaged has the
skill and imagination necessary to produce the best design under given conditions.
All subdivision plans in the County are to be submitted to the Franklin County
Planning Commission for either review or approval as provided by State Law. Sub-
division plans of a plot of ground which is located in the boroughs and townships
which have adopted subdivision regulations will be reviewed by the Commission
with any recommendations being forwarded to the municipality involved. The
municipality in the above review process will then either approve or disapprove
the plan as it deems desirable. Subdivision plans of a plot of ground which is locat-
ed in a township or borough which does not have subdivision regulations shall be
approved according to applicable law by the township or borough and the County
Planning Commission. Therefore, it is important that the subdivider get in touch
with the local officials at the same time that he is having preliminary discussions
with the County staff. This will simplify procedures and expedite approval.
Before preparing and submitting preliminary plans, subdividers are invited to
come to the Commission's Office informally with a sketch plan of the land they
propose to subdivide. The best time for this visit is before the land has been final-
ly acquired, or, at least, before any money has been spent on development. Any
discussion of such a plan -- and any accompanying materials -- is considered
strictly confidential by the staff. The aim is to furnish the kind of advice a develop-
er can best use -- at the time it will be most valuable.
Following the planning comes the implementation of the plans in the form of
construction. This is what the people see and buy. This is where the planning is
judged. It is important that all facilities be either installed or guaranteed that they
will be completed. These facilities should not be a burden on the general tax mon-
ies of the municipalities and the "house buyer" is entitled to the facilities for which
he is paying. The result of good planning and good construction is a safer and more
healthful community; a community which is not a liability but an asset to the sur-
rounding area.
DEFINITIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3
PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7
ARTICLE VI. PLAN REQUIREMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Section A. Purpose
1. The purpose of these subdivision regulations is to provide for the
harmonious development of the County by:
a. Assisting in the orderly and efficient integration of
the many residential subdivisions and related commun-
ity facilities,
b. Ensuring conformance of subdivision plans with the public
improvement plans of the County,
c. Ensuring coordination of inter-municipal public improve-
ment plans and programs,
d. Securing the protection of water resources and drainage
e. Facilitating the rational movement of traffic,
f. Securing equitable handling of all subdivision plans by
providing uniform standards and procedures,
thus, providing suitable sites for building purposes and human
2. When development in the County is coordinated in the overall manner
stated above, it will be of mutual benefit to the developer, to the
buyer, to County.and local officials, and to the public, for it will
create conditions favorable to the greater health, safety, morals and
welfare of the citizens of the County.
Section B. Authority and Adoption
1. The County Planning Commission is vested by law with jurisdic-
tion and control of the subdivision of land located within the County
limits (The County Code of 1955 as amended, Act No. 120, sec-
tions 2004 and 2008).
The following regulations have been adopted by the County Planning
Commission under the foregoing authority.
Section C. Jurisdiction
1. The County Planning Commission shall have jurisdiction and con-
trol of the subdivision of land located within the County limits. All
subdivision plans shall be submitted to the County Planning Com-
mission for either approval or review as follows:
- 1 -
a. Plans of subdivisions located within the boroughs and
townships having adopted land subdivision regulations,
shall be reviewed by the County Planning Commission.
Before the approval of a plan by such municipalities,
the municipality shall transmit a copy of the proposed
plan to the County Planning Commission for review and
report to such local municipality. Pending the receipt
and consideration of such report, such local authority
shall defer action thereon, but if such report is not re-
ceived by the local authority within twenty (20) days from
the submission of the plan to the County Planning Com-
mission, or within such further time as may be agreed
upon by the local authorities, such local authority may
proceed to final action thereon.
(Note: Townships having adopted land subdivision
regulations are requested to file official
copies thereof with the Commission to es-
tablish that the procedure specified in
paragraph 1. a. is applicable.)
b. Plans for subdivision within townships, except those town-
ships which have adopted by ordinance or resolution land
subdivision regulations, shall be submitted to and approved
by the Commission before they are recorded. Such Com-
mission approval is in addition to and does not supersede
local approval as required by ordinance, resolutions or
regulations of the township.
c. The provisions of the Franklin County Land Subdivision
Regulations of 1967 shall apply to and control all land
subdivisions whose plans have not been approved and re-
corded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for
Franklin County, Pennsylvania, prior to the effective date
of these Regulations.
Section D. Short Title
These regulations shall be known and may be cited as "The
Franklin County Land Subdivision Regulations of 1967".
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Section A. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall,
for the purpose of these regulations, have the meaning indicat-
ed: Words in the singular include the plural, and words in the
plural include the singular. The word "person" includes a cor-
poration, unincorporated association and a partnership as well
as an individual. The word "building" shall be construed as if
followed by the words "or part thereof". The word "street"
includes "road", "highway" and "lane"; and "watercourse" in-
cludes "drain", "ditch" and "stream". The words "shall" or
"will" are mandatory; the word "may" is permissive.
1. Building or Setback Line: (see: Setback or Building Line).
2. Cartway: The surface of a street or alley available for vehicular
3. Chairman: The Chairman of the Franklin County Planning Com-
4. Commission: The Franklin County Planning Commission.
5. Developer: A person or his authorized agent for whom subdivision
plans are being or have been made.
6. Easement: A right-of-way granted for limited use of land for
public or quasi-public purpose.
7. Engineer: A licensed engineer registered in Pennsylvania des-
ignated by the Commission to perform the duties of
engineer as herein specified.
8. Frontage: The front part of a lot along a street.
9. Improvements: Those physical additions and changes to the land
that may be necessary to produce useable and desir-
able lots.
10. Lot: A parcel of land intended for transfer of ownership, use,
or improvement, and/or dedication.
11. Lot Area: The area contained within the property lines of the
individual parcels of land as shown on a subdivision
plan, excluding space within any street, other than
required radius at intersecting streets and including
the area of any easement.
12. Municipality: A borough or township.
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13. Plan, sketch: A preliminary subdivision plan, in lesser detail
than the preliminary plan.
14. Plan, preliminary: A tentative subdivision plan, in lesser detail
than the final plan, indicating the approximate
proposed layout of a subdivision as a basis
for consideration prior to preparation of the
final plan.
15. Plan, final: A complete and exact subdivision plan prepared for
official recording as required by statute.
16. Setback or Building Line: The line within a property defining the
required minimum distance between
any building and the adjacent right-of-
17. Staff: The technical staff of the Franklin County Planning Com-
18. Street: A strip of land, including the entire right-of-way, intended
for use as a means of vehicular and pedestrian circulation.
a. Minor Streets: Those streets used primarily to provide access
to abutting properties.
(1) Cul-de-sac - A street intersecting another street at one
end and terminating at the other in a vehicu-
lar turn-around.
(2) Marginal Access Streets: A street parallel and adjacent to
major traffic streets, providing
access to abutting properties and
control of intersections with major
traffic streets.
b. Major Streets: Those streets used primarily to serve large
volumes of traffic.
(1) Collector Street - Those, which in addition to giving ac-
cess to abutting properties, intercept
minor streets and provide routes carry-
ing considerable volumes of traffic to
community facilities and to other major
traffic streets.
(2) Arterial Streets - Those serving large volumes of compar-
atively high-speed and long-distance
traffic, and including highways of the
Pennsylvania State Highway Department
where applicable.
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(3) Limited Access Highway - Those streets which carry large
volumes of traffic at compara-
tively high speed with access
only from another street and not
from abutting properties.
c. Private Streets: Thos e streets in private developments not open
to public use and not dedicated to public use
and used to provide access to properties in the
private developments.
19. Subdivider: Same as Developer.
20. Subdivision: A division of any part, parcel or area of land by the
owner or agent, either by lots or by metes and bounds,
into lots or parcels, three or more in number, for
the purpose of conveyance, transfer, improvement,
or sale, with appurtenant roads, streets, lanes, alleys
and ways, dedicated or intended to be dedicated to
public use, or the use of purchasers or owners of lots
fronting thereon. A subdivision as defined above in-
cludes division of a parcel of land having frontage on
an existing street. However, for the purpose of these
Regulations, division of land for agricultural purposes
in parcels of more than ten (10) acres, not involving
any new street or easement, shall not be deemed a
a. The term "subdivision" includes any development of a parcel
of land, (for example, as a shopping center, or industrial park,
or a multiple dwelling project), which involves installation of
streets and/or alleys, even though the streets and alleys may
not be dedicated immediately to public use and the parcel may
not be divided immediately for purposes of conveyance, transfer
or sale.
b. The term "subdivision" includes resubdivision and, as appro-
priate in these Regulations, shall refer to the process of sub-
dividing land or to the land subdivided.
c. The term "subdivision" includes any division of a part, parcel
or area of land by improvement, into three or more units al-
though the owner does not transfer legal or equitable title or
any interest therein to any certain portion thereof. (For ex-
ample, row houses or semi-detached dwellings for rental pur-
poses. )
d. After the effective date of the Regulations, the division of any
part, parcel or area of land into three or more lots shall be
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considered a "subdivision" irrespective to the length of time
which may elapse prior to the time the third lot or area is
created or becomes existent.
21. Surface Drainage Plan: A plan showing all present and proposed
grades and facilities for storm water
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Section A. Sketch Plan
1. Subdividers are urged to discuss possible development sites with
the staff of the Franklin County Planning Commission prior to sub-
mission of the preliminary plan.
2. If desired, a sketch plan may be prepared and presented for review
and discussion at that time. Sketch plans should generally include
those items listed in Article VI. PLAN REQUIREMENTS, Section A.
3. Such discussion and/or sketch plan review will be considered as
confidential between the subdivider and the staff. Submission of a
sketch plan shall not constitute formal filing of a plan with the
Section B. Preliminary Plan
1. Submission of Preliminary Plan
a. The preliminary plan and all information and procedure relating
thereto shall in all respects be in compliance with the applicable
provisions of these Regulations. It is the responsibility of the
subdivider to coordinate his plans pursuant to the provisions of
these Regulations with the respective private and public service
b. Five (5) copies, black and white or blue and white prints, of
the preliminary plan and two (2) copies of other required mater-
ial shall accompany a written application to the Commission.
For consideration at the next regular meeting of the Commission,
the preliminary plan shall be filed with the staff not less than
five (5) calendar days in advance of such meeting date.
c. In addition to filing with the Commission, such plans shall also
be concurrently submitted to the appropriate officials of the
municipality in which the subdivision is located for action or
information of such officials as appropriate.
2. Approval of Preliminary Plan
a. The staff will review the plan to determine if it meets the stand-
ards as set forth in these Regulations. The staff may also dis-
cuss the plan with appropriate officials of the municipality in
which the subdivision is located. Approval or review as applica-
ble, by the Commission and approval by the municipality, shall
jointly be required to constitute approval of the plan.
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b. At a scheduled public meeting the Commission shall review
the preliminary plan to determine its conformity to the
design standards and requirements contained in these Reg-
ulations. Within thirty (30) calendar days after this meet-
ing the subdivider or his agent and the municipality
shall be notified of the action taken by the Commission,
specifying what changes or additions, if any, will be re-
quired prior to the review of the final plan. If no notifi-
cation be forwarded to subdivider, the preliminary plan
will be deemed approved.
c. Any modifications of the preliminary plan required by the
Commission as prerequisites to approval shall be noted on
three (3) copies of the preliminary plan. One (1) copy will
be returned to the subdivider, one (1) will be retained by
the Commission and the third will be filed with the munic-
ipal agency empowered to approve the plans.
d. Approval of the preliminary plan shall constitute approval
of the subdivision as to the character and intensity of
development, the arrangement and approximate dimensions
of streets, lots, and other planned features, but shall not
authorize sale of lots.
e. In the case of a subdivision of no more than ten (10) lots,
the Commission, on the written request of the developer,
may waive the requirement that a preliminary plan be
submitted and approved prior to consideration of a final
plan, provided that the plan submitted meets all the re-
quirements of a final plan.
Section C. Final Plan
1. Submission of Final Plan
a. After the subdivider has received official notification
that the preliminary plan has been approved and what
changes, if any, must be made if the plan is to proceed
to consideration as a final plan, he has one (1) year in
which to submit a final plan. If he does not do so within
a twelve-month period, the approval of the preliminary
plan shall become null and void unless an extension of
time is requested by the subdivider in writing and is
granted in writing by the Commission before the expira-
tion date.
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b. It is not necessary for the whole plan that received pre-
liminary approval to be submitted as a final plan. The
final plan may be submitted in section, each covering a
portion of the entire proposed subdivision shown on the
preliminary plan.
c. In those municipalities where the completion of improvements
is required prior to receiving final approval of the plan, or
if this procedure is desired by the subdivider, the final
plan may be given conditional approval. The plan and de-
sign requirements for conditional approval are the same
as for final plan approval. Upon completion of the re-
quired improvements, the conditional plan may proceed
to final plan approval.
d. When the Commission grants an extension of time for the
submission of a final plan, the Commission shall do one of
two things when the final plan is submitted: (1) make a
finding that the conditions on which its approval of the
preliminary plan was based have not changed substantially
or (2) require changes in the plan, prior to final approval,
that will reflect any substantial changes on the site of the
subdivision or in its surroundings, that have taken place
since the grant of preliminary approval.
e. Three (3) black and white or blue and white prints of the
final subdivision plan, and two (2) copies of all other
required information shall be submitted by the subdivider.
A copy of the final plan shall concurrently be submitted
to the appropriate officials of the municipality in which
the subdivision is located.
f. For consideration at the next regular meeting of the
Commission, the final plan shall be filed with the staff
not less than five (5) calendar days in advance of such
meeting date.
g. The Commission shall take action and report within forty-
five (45) calendar days from the date of the submission of
the final plan. Otherwise, such plan shall be deemed to
have been approved, and the certificate of the Secretary
of the Commission as to the date of submission of the
final plan for approval to the Commission and the failure
of said Commission to report action thereon within forty-
five (45) calendar days shall be issued on demand of the
subdivider or his agent and shall be sufficient, in lieu
of the written endorsement of the Commission. The grounds
of modification or of disapproval of any final plan submitted
to the Commission shall be stated on the records of the
Commission, and may include the refusal or failure of the
- 9 -
subdivider to furnish such documents as the Commission may
require pursuant to these Regulations.
2. Improvements
a. The subdivider shall agree to complete such improvements
these Regulations as the municipality and/or Commission
may require in the public interest as a prerequisite to ap-
proval of the final plan.
b. No plan shall receive final plan approval by the Commission
unless the subdivider shall have completed all such improve-
ments at the standards required by these Regulations or
shall have filed with the municipality or the Commission a
performance bond in favor of the municipality or other as-
surance acceptable to the municipality and/or Commission.
(1) Where a performance bond or other performance
assurance has been made to a municipality and
satisfactory evidence of such presentation is fur-
nished to the Commission by the municipality, the
Commission will not require duplicate action as
compliance with these Regulations.
(2) The Commission shall require a performance bond
or other performance assurance to guarantee the
proper installation and construction of the following
IMPROVEMENTS, Section B. Streets)
in accordance with the details listed
thereunder where applicable.
c. The municipality may require its engineer to check the final
construction plans for correctness and to inspect the con-
struction of improvements.
d. Upon completion of the improvements in accordance with
the specifications of the municipality and/or Commission,
the subdivider shall take the final steps to dedicate the
improvements and have the same accepted by the munici-
pality in which they are situated.
3. Approval and Recording of Final Plan
a. After completion of these proceedings and upon approval
of the final plan by the Commission, the Secretary shall
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notify in writing, the subdivider or his agent, any
municipality, of such action, and the final plan shall
be signed by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman and the
Secretary. The plan shall then be immediately recorded,
but in no case shall the plan be recorded after ninety
(90) days from the date of the approval of the County
Planning Commission. Should the subdivider fail to
record the final plan within such period, the approval
of the Commission shall be null and void unless an
extension of time is requested by the subdivider in
writing and is granted by the Commission before the
expiration date. The final plan shall be filed with
the County Recorder of Deeds before proceeding with
the sale of lots or construction of buildings.
b. Recording the final plan after approval of the Commis-
sion shall have the effect of an irrevocable offer to
dedicate all streets and other public ways to public use,
and to dedicate or reserve all park reservations and
school sites and other public areas to public use, unless
reserved by the subdivider as hereinafter provided.
The approval of the Commission shall not impose any
duty upon the County or a municipality concerning main-
tenance or improvement of any such dedicated streets,
parks, areas or portion of same until the proper authori-
ties of the County or a municipality shall have made actual
appropriation of the same by ordinance or resolution, or
by entry, use, or improvement.
c. The subdivider may place a notation on the final plan to
the effect that there is no offer of dedication to the public
of certain designated public areas, or (in unusual circum-
stance) streets or alleys, in which event the title to such
areas shall remain with the owner, and the County and
local authorities shall assume no responsibility for im-
provement, or maintenance thereof, which fact shall also
be noted on the final plan.
Section D. Resubdivision Procedures
1. For any replanning or resubdivision of land, the same procedure,
rules and regulations shall apply as prescribed herein for an
original subdivision.
Section A. It is the policy of the Commission that these subdivision
regulations shall state minimum standards for develop-
ments in the County. Whenever a municipality, in its zon-
ing, building code, road ordinances, subdivision regulations,
or other ordinance, resolution, or regulation requires
standards that exceed these minimum standards, the
municipality's standards shall apply. Whenever the stand-
ards of these subdivision regulations exceed those of the
municipality, the standards of these Regulations shall apply,
subject to the jurisdictional limitations of the Commission
with respect to the review only of plans of subdivisions
located within the boroughs and townships having adopted
land subdivision regulations.
Section B. Large Scale Development
1. The standards and requirements of these Regulations may be
modified by the Commission in the case of plans for complete
communities or neighborhood units which in the judgment of the
Commission achieve substantially the objectives of these Regu-
lations and which are further protected by such covenants and
other legal provisions as will assure conformity to and achieve-
ment of the plan. A community or neighborhood unit shall gen-
erally contain or be bounded by major streets as necessary, and
shall contain reserved areas, of sufficient size to serve its
population, for schools, playgrounds, parks, and other public
facilities. It is further required that all lots be provided with
public water and public sewerage facilities.
Section C. Streets
1. Street System
a. Minor streets in a new development shall be so laid out as
to discourage through traffic. However, the provision for
the extension and continuation of major streets into and
from adjoining areas is required. Where a subdivision
abuts or contains an existing or proposed major traffic
street, the Planning Commission may require marginal
access streets, reverse frontage lots or such treatment
as will provide protection of abutting properties, reduc-
tion in the number of intersections with the major traffic
street, and separation of local and through traffic.
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b. If the lots in the development are large enough for resub-
division, or if a portion of the tract is not subdivided,
suitable access and street openings for such an eventuality
shall be provided.
c. Dead-end or cul-de-sac streets in general and other than
private streets shall not exceed five hundred (500) feet in
length and must be provided with a paved turn-around with
a minimum diameter of eighty (80) feet to the outside curb
and of one hundred (100) feet to the legal right-of-way.
d. In general, minor and collector streets shall not empty
into the same side of arterial streets at intervals of less
than eight hundred (800) feet.
e. The distance between the center line of streets opening
onto the opposite sides of an existing or proposed street
shall be no less than one hundred fifty (150) feet.
2. Street Grades
a. There shall be in general a minimum grade of at least
one-half (0.5) percent on all streets other than private
streets; a maximum grade of five (5) percent on arterial
and collector streets, and eight (8) percent on minor
3. Street Widths
a. All streets including private streets shall have a minimum
right-of-way width of fifty (50) feet.
b. Thirty-eight (38) feet in the middle of all streets other than
private streets shall have the required base and twenty-two
(22) feet in the middle thereof shall have the required paving.
c. Dedication of half-streets at the perimeter of a new sub-
division is prohibited. If the circumstances render this
impracticable, adequate provision for the concurrent dedi-
cation of the remaining half of the street must be furnished
by the subdivider. Where there exists a half-street in an
adjoining subdivision, the remaining half shall be provided
by the proposed development.
d. Streets that are extensions, or obviously in alignment with,
existing named streets shall bear the name of the existing
streets. All street names shall be subject to the approval of
the local authority and the Commission.
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4. Street Radius
a. A forty (40) foot radius shall be installed at each corner of
intersections, streets and ways.
Section D. Blocks and Lots
1. Blocks
a. In general all blocks in a subdivision shall have a maximum
length of sixteen hundred (1,600) feet.
b. In commercial areas, the block lay-out shall conform, with
due consideration of site conditions, to the best possible
lay-out to serve the buying public, to permit good traffic
circulation and the parking of cars, to make delivery and
pick-up efficient, and to reinforce the best design of the
units in the commercial area.
2. Lots
a. Lots shall conform to the following criteria:
(1) In all sections of the County not served by sanitary
sewers, either existing or officially authorized to
be installed, but served by a public water supply,
either existing or officially authorized to be installed,
each lot shall have a minimum width of seventy-five
(75) feet at the building line and an area of at least
fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet for each dwell-
ing unit.
(2) In all sections of the County which are served by
public sewerage and water supply, either existing or
officially authorized to be installed, each lot shall
have a minimum width of seventy-five (75) feet at
the building line, and an area of at least ten thousand
(10,000) square feet for each detached dwelling unit.
However, in such areas, twin (semi-detached), row
(attached), and multiple-family structures will be
permitted, provided the lots for other than row houses
are a minimum of fifty (50) feet in width and have a
minimum area per dwelling unit of five thousand (5,000)
square feet for twin (semi-detached), two thousand four
hundred (2,400) square feet for row (attached), and two
thousand four hundred (2,400) square feet for multiple-
family structures. If row-house structures are to be
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constructed, there shall be no more than ten (10) dwell-
ing units in such structure, and there shall be a minimum
of fifty (50) feet between each such structure.
(3) In all sections of the County not served by sanitary sewers
or by a public water supply either existing or officially
authorized to be installed, each lot shall have a minimum
width of one hundred (100) feet at the building line and an
area of at least twenty thousand (20,000) square feet for
each dwelling unit.
Section E. Building Lines
1. A minimum setback from the rights-of-ways of streets and high-
ways to building lines shall be thirty-five (35) feet and not less
than sixty (60) feet from the center line of streets and highways.
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Section A. Markers
1. Markers shall consist of iron pipes or iron or steel bars at least
thirty-six (36) inches long, and not less than three-quarters (3/4)
inch in diameter.
2. Markers shall be set:
a. At the beginning and ending of all curves along street property
b. At all points where lot lines intersect curves, either front or
c. At all angles in property lines of lots;
d. At all other lot corners.
Section B. Streets
1. Thirty-eight (38) feet in the middle of all streets shall be graded
and have the required base.
2. Twenty-two (22) feet in the middle of all streets shall have the
required paving.
3. The minimum requirements for rough grading shall include:
a. Adequate drainage.
b. Removing all top soil.
c. Bringing up to grade level with slate with a minimum coverage
of slate of entire thirty-eight (38) foot cartway of eight (8) inches
after the slate is rolled and compacted, or with crushed stone
with a minimum coverage of crushed stone of entire thirty-eight
(38) foot cartway of six (6) inches after the crushed stone is
rolled and compacted.
4. The minimum requirements for paving shall include:
a. A basic coat of three (3) inches of clean limestone rolled.
b. . 8 gallons H3 tar per square yard.
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c. .50 lb. 1/2" IB chips (limestone) per square yard, rolled
and broomed.
d. . 5 gallons F2 or H3 oil per square yard.
e. 20 lb. 1/2" IB chips (limestone) per square yard, rolled,
dragged and broomed.
f. .5 gallons F2 or F1 oil per square yard.
g. 10 lb. 1/2" Birdseye chips (limestone) per square yard, rolled,
dragged and broomed.
h. Optional seal coat of .2 gallons per square yard F1 or HX
Emulsion seal coat of .2 gallons per square yard added in
any of the preceding applications of oil.
i. As an alternative to the minimum requirements for paving
above, paving in accordance with Form 408 of the latest
edition of the Pennsylvania Department of Highways.
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Section A. Sketch Plan
1. A subdivision sketch plan may be submitted by the subdivider
or property owner as a basis for informal and confidential dis-
cussion with the Commission Staff.
2. Data furnished in a sketch plan shall be at the discretion of the
subdivider. It is suggested that the following items be included
in the sketch plan presentation. The presentation need not be
in scale and the precise dimensions are not required.
a. Subdivision boundary.
b. Municipality in which the subdivision is located.
c. North Point.
d. Streets on and adjacent to the tract.
e. Topographical and physical features.
f. Proposed general street lay-out.
g. Proposed general lot lay-out.
h. The names of all owners of all immediately adjacent unplatted
land; the names of all proposed or existing subdivisions im-
mediately adjacent, and the locations and dimensions of any
streets or easements shown thereon.
Section B. Preliminary Plan
1. The subdivider shall supply five (5) copies of the preliminary
plan and two (2) copies of other required material along with a
written application to the Commission. The copies of the pre-
liminary plan can be either black-and-white or blue-and-white
prints. The sheet size shall be a minimum of 18 inches by 22
inches or a maximum of 24 inches by 36 inches.
2. The preliminary plan shall be at a scale of 50 or 100 feet to
the inch and shall show the following information:
a. Proposed subdivision name or identifying title and the
municipality or municipalities in which the subdivision
is located.
- 18 -
b. Name and address of the owner of the subdivision or of his
authorized agent, if any, and of the subdivider.
c. Date, north point and graphic scale.
d. Total acreage of the subdivision and number of lots.
e. Subdivision boundaries showing distances and bearings.
f. The location and widths of any streets or other public ways
or places shown upon an adopted local or County plan, if
such exists for the area to be subdivided.
g. The full plan of the development, showing the location of
all proposed streets, roads, alleys, utility easements,
parks, playgrounds and other public areas; sewer and water
facilities; proposed building setback lines for each street;
proposed lot lines and approximate dimensions of lots;
lot numbers and/or block numbers in consecutive order;
and all streets and other areas designated for appurtenant
facilities, public use, or proposed to be dedicated or re-
served for future public use, together with the conditions
of such dedications or reservations.
h. Contours at vertical intervals of two (2) feet for land with
average natural slope of four (4) percent or less, and at
vertical intervals of five (5) feet for more steeply sloping
land, and location of Bench Mark and datum used.
Section C. Final Plan
1. The final plan shall be drawn at a scale of not less than one
inch equals 100 feet. The sheet size shall be a minimum of
of 18" by 22" or a maximum of 24" by 36". If the final plans
are drawn in two or more sections it shall be accompanied by
a key map showing the location of the several sections.
2. The final plan shall show the following:
a. Name of the subdivision and the municipality or municipal-
ities in which it is located.
b. Name and address of the owner and subdivider.
c. North point, graphic scale and date.
d. Block and lot numbers (in consecutive order), dimensions,
minimum area and total number of lots; acreage of whole
- 19 -
e. Names of the owners of all adjoining and subdivided land.
f. Lot lines with accurate bearings and distances and marked
by markers. Distances to be to the nearest one hundredth
of a foot.
g. Accurate dimensions of existing public land and of any
property to be dedicated or reserved for public, semi-
public, or community use; all areas to which title is
reserved by the owner.
h. Accurate boundary areas, with dimensions and bearings,
which provide a survey of the tract, closing with an error
of not more than one (1) foot in ten thousand (10,000) feet.
i. Accurate distances and directions to the nearest established
street corners or official monuments. Reference corners
shall be accurately described on the plan.
j. Accurate locations of all existing and recorded streets
intersecting the boundaries of the tract.
k. Complete curve data for all curves included in the plan,
including radius, delta angle, tangent, arc and chord.
I. Street lines with accurate dimensions in feet and tenths of
feet, with bearing of such street lines.
m. Street names.
n. Setback lines not less than the minimum as fixed by the
applicable zoning ordinance, or any other setback lines
established by these Regulations, or by public authority,
or those specified in the deed restrictions, whichever is
o. The following certificates, where applicable, shall be
shown on the plan:
(1) Certification, with seal, by a registered pro-
fessional engineer or registered land surveyor
to the effect that the survey and plan are correct.
(2) Certificate for approval by the Commission.
(3) Certificate for approval by the municipality, its
Planning Commission, and its engineer; the latter
two where applicable.
- 20 -
p. The final plan shall be accompanied by a check or money
order drawn to the Franklin County Treasurer in the amount
of Five Dollars ($5.00) plus fifty cents (509) per lot for more
than ten (10) lots. This check is not returnable unless the
Commission fails to review the plan.
3. The final plan shall be accompanied by the following material:
a. Final profiles, cross-sections, and specifications for street
improvements, and sanitary and storm sewerage, and water
distribution systems shall be shown on one (1) or more
separate sheets.
b. All covenants running with the land governing the reservation
and maintenance of dedicated or undedicated land or open
space, which shall bear the certificate of approval of the
Commission I s Solicitor as to their legal sufficiency.
c. Where lot sizes are based on public water and/or public sewer
facilities, assurance acceptable to the Commission that such
facilities will be installed.
d. Such certificates of approval by proper authorities of the
State, as may have been required by the Commission, includ-
ing certificates approving the water supply system and sanitary
sewer system of the subdivision.
e. One of the following for guaranteeing improvements:
(1) A certificate from the subdivider and signed by the
municipality in which the subdivision is located,
that all improvements and installations in the sub-
division required by these Regulations have been
made or installed in accordance with specifications;
(2) A certificate from the subdivider and signed by the
municipality that a bond, certified check, or other
security satisfactory to the municipality has been
filed with the municipality.
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Section A. Modifications
1. The provisions of these Regulations are the minimum standards
for the protection of the public welfare. The Commission re-
serves the right to modify or to extend them as may be necessary
in the public interest.
2. If any mandatory provision of these Regulations are shown by the
applicant, to the satisfaction of a majority of the Commission
present at a scheduled public meeting, to be unreasonable and to
cause unique and undue hardship as they apply to his proposed
subdivision, the Commission shall grant a variance in writing to
such applicant from such mandatory provision, so that substantial
justice may be done and the public interest secured; provided that
such variation will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and
purposes of these Regulations.
3. In granting variances and modifications, the Commission may
impos e such conditions as will, in its judgment, secure substan-
tially the objectives of the standards or requirements so varied
or modified.
Section B. Records
1. The Commission shall maintain an accurate public record of all
plans upon which it takes action and of its findings, decisions and
recommendations in relation thereto.
Section C. Amendment
1. The Commission may, from time to time, revise, modify, and
amend these Regulations by appropriate action taken at a sched-
uled public meeting.
Section D. Validity
1. Should any section, subsection or provision of these Regulations
be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,
such decision shall not affect the validity of the Regulations as a
whole, or of any other part thereof.
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Section E. Effective Date
1. These Subdivision Regulations shall become effective on April 1,
1967, and shall remain in force until modified, amended, or re-
scinded by the Commission.
Approved by Resolution,
at the meeting of
March 8, 1967
Franklin County Planning
$;L ;( O~
Secretary, Franklin County Planning
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