HomeMy WebLinkAboutGuidelines for Yard Waste Composting Facilities Document Numbel': Title: Authority: Effective Date: Policy: Purpose: Applicability: DiscIaimel': Page Length: Location: Definitions: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management Division of Municipal and Residual Waste 254-5403-100 GUIDELINES FOR YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES Solid Waste Management Act (35 P.S. 99 6018.101 ~~.) and regulations at 25 Pa. Code Chapters 271, 281, and285 (the "municipal waste regulations"). September 1, 1997 It is the Depmiment's policy to provide a person, municipality, or county with the information necessary to operate a yard waste compost facil ity. The purpose of this document is to provide instructions and operating procedures for the operation of a yard waste composting facility operating under permit-by- rule. This guidance applies to all persons, municipalities, and counties who own or operate a yard waste composting facility operating under 25 Pa. Code Section 271.1 03(h) Permit-By-Rule. The policies and procedures outlined in this guidance are intended to supplement existing requirements. Nothing in the policies or procedures shaJl affect regulatory requirements. The policies and procedures herein are not an adjudication or a regulation. There is no intent on the pmi of DEP to give the rules in these policies that weight or deference. This document establishes the framework within which DEP will exercise its administrative discretion in the future. DEP reserves the discretion to deviate from this policy statement if circumstances warrant. 15 Volume 6 Tab 27 The definitions listed below are found in 25 Pa. Code Section 271.1. "Yard Waste": Leaves, grass clippings, garden residue, tree trimmings, chipped shrubbery, and other vegetative material. "Yard Waste Composting Facility": A facility that is used to compost leaf waste, or leaf waste and grass clippings, garden residue, tree trimmings, chipped shrubbery, and other vegetative material. The term includes land affected during the lifetime of the operation, including, but not limited to, areas where composting actually occurs, support facilities, borrow areas, offices, equipment sheds, air and water pollution control and treatment systems, access roads, associated on-site or contiguous collection and transportation activities, and other activities in which the natural surface has been disturbed as a result of or incidental to operation of the facility. 254-5403-100/ September); 1997/ Page i GUIDELINES FOR YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES Table Of Contents Page I ntroclucti on ............................................................................................................................... ...................... Technical Guidance for The Operation of a Yard Waste Composting Faeility Under Permit-By-Rule ......... 3 Yard Waste Composting Facility Application Fonn....................................................................................... 8 Land Application of Leaf Waste ..................................................................................................................... II Land Application of Leaf Waste Form ........................................................................................................... 14y 254-5403-100/ September I, 1997/ Page ii INTRODUCTION Composting has been demonstrated to be an effective waste management technique that can produce a useful end- product while diverting a portion of the wastestream ti'om disposal. It has been estimated that yard wastes-- including leaves, trimmings, grass, and related yard debris--can comprise up to 18 percent of the municipal waste stream, with a greater percentage realized in some municipalities on a seasonal basis. Certain yard waste composting facilities are eligible for pennit-by-rule under Section 271.103(h) ofthe municipal waste regulations if they comply with these guidelines. Section 271.103(h) provides that a person, municipality, or county that operates a yard waste composting fllCility that is less than 5 acres, other than an individual backyard composting facility, shall be deemed to have a municipal waste processing permit-by-rule ifthe person, municipality, or county meets the requirements of Subsections 271.103(a)-(c)(relating to storage, PPC plan, daily records, financial assurances, and inappropriate activity), and the facility is operated in accordance with these guidelines on yard waste composting. These guidelines have been established to promote yard waste composting and reuse in the Commonwealth while providing protection to human health and the environment. Health or environmental problems, resulting from the improper operation of a yard waste composting facility operated under Section 271.1 03(h), will be treated in the same manner as health or environmental problems at other solid waste management facilities. More than 250 municipalities and counties in the Commonwealth are conducting yard waste collection and eomposting programs. In an effort to increase awareness ofthe benefits of composting and to promote the proper environmental and technical practices involved, the Department has designated several of these facilities as yard waste composting demonstration sites. Many of the other sites also present backyard composting demonstrations for homeowners. The Department has developed a reference manual, brochures, and educational videos to provide further information. To learn more about these and other related resources, contact your DEP regional otTice or the world wide web site (http://www.dep.state.pa.u.s). Yard waste composting operations must comply with these guidelines to comply with Section 271.1 03(h) of the municipal waste regulations. Please contact your DEP regional office for further information. 254-5403-100 / September I, 1997 / Page I REGION I: REGION 2: REGION 3: DEP REGIONAL OFFICES DEP SOUTHEAST REmON REGION 4 Lee Park, Suite 6010 555 North Lane Conshohocken, PA 19428 Telephone: (610) 832-6212 Counties Served: Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia DEP NORTHEAST REGION REGION 5: 2 Public Square Wilkes-Barre, P A 18711 Telephone: (717) 826-2516 Counties Served: Carbon, Lackawanna, Leh igh, Luzerne, Monroe, Northampton, Pike, Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Wayne, and Wyoming DEP SOUTHCENTRAL REGION REGION 6: One Ararat Blvd. Harrisburg, P A 17110 Telephone: (717) 657-4588 Counties Served: Adams, Bedford, Berks, Blair, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Mifflin, Perry, and York 254-5403-100/ September I, 1997/ Page 2 DEP NORTHCENTRAL REGION 208 West 3rd Street, Suite 101 Williamsport, PA 17701 Telephone: (717) 327-3653 Counties Served: Bradford, Cameron, Center, Clearfteld, Clinton, Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, North- umberland, Potter, Snyder, Sullivan, Tioga, and Union DEP SOUTHWEST REGION 400 Waterfront Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745 Telephone: (412) 442-4000 Counties Served: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Somerset, Washington and Westmoreland DEP NORTHWEST REmON 230 Chestnut Street Meadville, P A 16335 Telephone: (814) 332-6848 Counties Served: Butler, Clarion, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, Lawrence, McKean, Mercer, Venango, and WalTen TECHNICAL GUIDANCE FOR THE OPERATION OF A YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITY UNDER PERMIT-BY-RULE A person, lTlunicipality, or county that operates a yard waste composting facility under permit-by-rule shall comply with these guidelines, as required by 25 Pa. Code Section 271.1 03(h). General Req uirements The following operational information must be submitted to the Department on the attached Yard Waste Composting Facility Application Form: a. The name, address, and telephone number of the operator of the facility. b. The sponsoring municipality or county (where applicable). c. The location of the facility, including identification of the site by outlying perimeter site boundaries on a United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute topographic map. d. Proofthat the operator has the legal right to enter the land and perform the approved activities. e. A genel'al site plan drawn to scale for the t~lcility indicating the following: l. The location of access roads and gates in relation to public and private roads, wells, and property Jines. 11. The location 0 f the tipping area. 111. The location of the processing area, including compost piles and windrows. IV. The location of storage and curing areas. v. Surface water controls. 1'. The operational narrative describing: I. The yard waste collection methods that will be employed by the facility. II. The methods that will be utilized at the facility to construct compost piles. 111. The proposed dimensions of compost piles and windrows at the facility. 254-5403- I 00 / September I, 1997 / Page 3 IV. The source of supplemental water that will be used to maintain an optimal 50 percent moisture content of compost piles or windrows at the facility. v. The proposed method of turning windrows, the turning frequency for composting at the facility and the method for determining that frequency. VI. The proposed duration of the composting process, including curing time, storage time, and the proposed term of compost distribution. VII. A plan for the marketing and distribution of the finished compost. VIII. A residue disposal plan, including the location of disposal sites. IX. Provisions for emergency response. x. A public information and education program. g. The projected volume of material that will be processed by the facility during the calendar year. Siting Restrictions Yard waste composting operations, including storage, composting, and curing, shall not occur in the following areas or the following distances, unless the operator takes special precautions and receives written authorization from the Depaliment: a. In a TOO-year t100d plain. b. In or within 300 feet of an exceptional value wetland. c. In or within 100 feet of a wetland other than an exceptional value wetland. d. Within 100 feet of a sinkhole or area draining into a sinkhole. e. Within 300 feet measured horizontally from an occupied dwelling unless the owner has provided a written waiver consenting to the facility being closer than 300 feet. f. Within 50 feet of a property line, unless the operator demonstrates that only curing of compost is occurring within that distance. g. Within 300 feet of a water source. h. Within 3.3 feet of a regional groundwater water table. I. Within 100 feet ofa perennial stream. 254-5403-100/ September I, 1997 / Page 4 Access Control I. A gate or other barrier shall be maintained at all potential vehicular access points to block unauthorized access to the site. 2. Access to the site shall be limited to those times when an attendant is on duty. Operational Requirements 1. No person, municipality, or county shall bring to or receive any material at a yard waste composting facility other than shrubbery and tree trimmings that have been shredded or chipped, unless shredding or chipping is provided at the facility, leaves, grass, and similar related yard debris. ') The Department may prohibit the use of grass cl ippings at a yard waste composting facility if the gl'aSS clippings cause or contribute to nuisances, or if the site is adversely affecting, or has potential to adversely affect, the citizens or environment of the Commonwealth. Grass clippings shall not be brought to or received at a yard waste composting facility unless: a. Gl'aSS clippings delivered to the yard waste composting facility in bulk, bags or other collection containers are emptied of all grass clippings within 24 hours of del ivery to the facility. b. Grass clippings are incorporated into the windrows of partially com posted leaves or other yard waste within twenty-four (24) hours of delivery to the facility. c. Grass clippings are incorporated into the partially composted windrows of partially composted leaves or other yard waste at a ratio not to exceed one part grass clippings to three parts yard waste, by volume. 3. No more than 3,000 cubic yards of yard waste shall be placed, stored, or processed on any acre ofa facility where composting activity occurs or is planned to occur. 4. A person, municipality, or county operating a yard waste composting facility shall, for the dmation of yard waste composting activities, identify the operation by posting and maintaining signs that are clearly visible at the junction of each access road and public road. The signs shall be easily seen and read. They should be constructed of a durable, weather-resistant material. The sign wording shall include the name, address, and telephone number of the person(s), municipality(ics), or county(ies) operating the facility, the operating hours, and the materials that can be received by the faci lity. 5. Each yard waste composting facility shall be operated in a manner which results in the active biological decomposition 0 f the vegetative material received. 254-5403-100 / September I, 1997 / Page 5 6. Yard waste compost piles or windrows shall be constructed and maintained as ollows: a' The compost area shall be constructed in a well drained area with a workable surface and slope of 2-4 percent to prevent ponding and control surface water. b. Thc size of the compost piles or windrows should not exceed eight feet in height or sixteen fect in width unIcss the composting technology can adequately manage the compost piles, and is approved by thc Depaliment. c. Compost piles or windrows shall be constructed within one week following receipt of compostable material at the t~lcility. d. During the active composting process, the optimal moisture content of the windrows or compost piles shall range ti'om 40 to 60 percent to promote deeomposition. e. All surface water shall be diverted away from tipping, processing, composting, curing and storage areas. Surface water controls shall be based on a 24-hour precipitation event to be expected once every 25 years. Proper drainage must be maintained to prevent ponding and excessivc moisture. f. To promote decomposition, compost piles and windrows shall be turned and reconstructed at least once evcry three (3) months. A higher turning frequency may be required, depending on the composting technology unless the composting technology requires more intensive management. 7. The operator shall maintain sufficient distance betwccn windrows or piles to allow the proper usc of eq ui pment during the deposit, removal, and turning of the compost. 8. The operator shall establish an adequate frequency for inspecting the facility to detect hot spots in any composting, curing or storage areas, dust or litter accumulation, surface water accumulation, erosion or sedimentation, vectors, odors, and other problems. The operator shall take prompt, necessary corrective actions. 9. The operator shall not allow compostable materials or rcsidues to be blown or otherwise deposited offsitc. Residue Disposal I. The operator shall not allow non-eompostable residues or solid waste other than yard waste to accumulate at the facility, and shall provide for proper disposal or processing. 254-5403-100 / September 1, 1997 / Page 6 2. Yard 'vvaste and other municipal waste received at the facility that are not suitable tor composting shall be removed weekly il11d disposed or processed at a permitted municipal waste facility. Nuisance Control I. The operator shall not cause or allow the attraction, harborage, or breeding of vectors. 2. The operator shall not cause or allow conditions that are harmful to the environment or public health, or which create safety hazards, odors, noise, or other public nuisances. Emcl'gency Response I. Adequate space shall be maintained to allow the unobstructed movement of emergency personnel and eC[ ui pment. 2. The operator of each yard waste composting facility shall immediately contact local police or fire departments or other appropriate state or local cmergency response agencies in the event of fire, spill, or other hazards that threaten public health, safety, and welfare, or the environment, and whenever necessary ill the event ofpcrsonal injury. Air Resources Protection I. The operator shall implement fugitive dust control measures. 2. No person, municipality, or county shall cause or allow open burning at the facility. Water Quality Protection I. The operator shall manage surface water and control erosion and sedimentation in accordance with the requirements of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 102, Erosion Control. 2. The operator shall not cause or allow a point or non-point source pollution discharge ti'om or on the facility to any surface waters of the Commonwealth. 254-5403-100 / September 1, 1997 / Page 7 ER- WM-264: 5/96 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF LAND RECYCLING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITY APPLICATION FORM Please familiarize yourself with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection GUIDELINES FOR YARD WASTE COMPOSTING F ACIUTIES priOl' to filling out this form. I. Operator (Name and Mailing Address) Telephone Number 2. Name of Facility Contact Person ~~_.~~._-~ Property Owner's Name_____ Street Address of Facility Contact Telcphone Number Phone No. (lnclucles Access Road Name and Legislative Number) State __________Zip Code________ City-Borough- Township County___~_ Sponsoring Municipality (where applicable)____~ Attach a United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute topographic map identifying the yard waste composting facility site boundaries outlined on it. Provide proof the operator has the legal right to enter the land and perform the approved activities. 3. The proposed composting method:______ Total acres of the composting facility: The maximum quantity of yard waste and compostedmaterials to be on the site at anyone time: ----- ---_._-----~--- Yard waste in cubic yarcls:____ Finished compost in cubic yarcls:_____ 4. Prepare and include in this application a general site plan" for the facility which illustrates the location of the following items: access roads in relation to the nearest public and private roads, wells, and property lines tipping area gate location surface water controls, erosion and sedimentation controls processing area including location, orientation, and size of compost piles or windrows curing or storage areas north arrow scalc of drawing " Please note that a hand drawn sketch that includes site dimensions is acceptable. A71 engineer's drawing is not required. 254-5403-100 / September I, 1997 / Page 8 ER- WM-264: 5/93 5 Please address the following items: (attach additional sheets ifneeessary) .. Provide a complete list ofsource(s) of yard waste to be received. .. Describe how the yard waste will be collected and received at the facility. .. Describe the method for inspecting incoming yard waste and for removing unacceptable material. III Describe the windrow construction methods including equipment to be used. '" Describe the windrow size: Initial dimensions will be length. wide x high x___ <} Describe the source of supplemental water which will be used to maintain an optimal 40 to 60% moisture content of compost piles or windrows. .. Indicate the frequency of windrow turning Indicate the temperature range to be maintained____ Indicate the method of windrow turning_ .. Describe the method for determining turning frequency. III Describe the approximate duration of the eomposting cycle: (in days) Describe the composting process: Describe the curing period for compost: Indicate the time required for storage and distribution: Indicate the total time required for composting operation: .. Describe the marketing and distribution plan for the finished compost product. 254-5403-100 I September 1, 1997 I Page 9 ER- WM-264: 5/93 .. Describe the residue disposal plan and identify the disposal or processing site(s) to be used. .. Describe the plan for emergency response (fire, police, etc.). .. Gutl ine the public information and education program (attach sarnples of I iteratLlre if avai table). 254-5403- t 00 I September t, 1997 I Page 10 LAND APPLlCATrON OF YAH.D WASTE A municipality or county that collects yard waste and delivers it to any person to land apply as part ofa normal farming operation, shall comply with the following guidelines in order to comply with thc pcrlllit-by-ruIc requirements of25 Pa. Code Section 271.103(h). General Requirements I. A municipality or county must notify the Department with the following information: a. Sponsoring municipality or county. b. Responsible official/contact person, including name, address, and telephone number. c. Location, including idcntification ofthe site 011 a U.S.G.S. 7.5' topograpllic map. d. Operational plan: 1. A general sitc plan must be inclucled which contains the following information for land application sites: A. Access road B. Tipping area C. Surface water controls (tipping area only) D. Farm soil conservation plan and nutrient management plan. 11. The operational narrative must include a description of each of the following: A. Operational hours for receiving yard waste B. Land application and incorporation frequency C. Plan for removal of yard waste from bags D. Spreading and incorporation methods and frequcncy E. Sourcc ofleaves and grass clippings. Ill. Vol ume of yard waste processed during the previous year or expccted to be processed during the tirst year of operation. 254-5403-100 I September I, 1997 I Page II Operational Requirements I. All sur1'ace water shall be diverted away from the tipping or storage area. Proper drainage must be maintained to prevent ponding. 2. Yarcl waste should be delivered to the farm in bulk. Where bags or other containers are used for collection, the bags or containers must be cmptied of all yard waste delivered to the farm by the end of each day. 3. The Department may prohibit the use of grass cl ippi ngs at the farm if the grass cl i ppi ngs cause or contribute to nuisances, or if the site has tbe potcntial to adversely affect tbe citizens or environment of the Commonwealth. Grass clippings shall not be brought to or received at a l'arm unlcss: a. The grass clippings are delivered to the farm in bulle Where bags or other containers are used for collection, the bags and containers must be emptied of the grass clippings delivered to the farm by the end of each day. b. The grass clippings are to be spread in layers not to exceed six (6) inches in depth within onc (I) week of delivery to the site. c. Grass clippings mixed with manure and stored in an acceptablc manure storage facility may bc stored for up to 120 days, provided the storage of the material does not create a nuisancc or cnvironmental impact. 4. Thc operator shall not allow compostable materials or residues to be blown or otherwise deposited olTsite. 5. No yard waste may be disposed of in waters ofthe Commonwealth. Residue Disposal I. The operator shall not allow non-compostable residues or solid waste other than yard waste to accumulate at the farm, and shall provide for proper disposal or processing. 2. Yard waste and other municipal waste that is rcceived at the farm, that is not suitable for land application, shall be rcmoved weckly and disposed or processed at a permitted municipal waste t~lcility. Nuisance Control 1. The operator shall not cause or allow the attraction, harborage, or breeding of vectors. 2. Thc operator shall not cause or allow conditions that are harmful to the environment or public health, or that create safety hazards, odors, noise, and othcr public nuisances. 254-5403 -100 I Septem bel' I, 1997 I Page 12 Air Resourccs Protection I. The opcrator shall implement fugitive dust control measures whcn necessary. 2. No person, municipality, or county shall cause or allow opcn burning at the facility. Watcr Quality Protection I. The opemtor shall manage surface water and control erosion and sedimentation in accordance with the requiremcnts of25 Pa. Codc Chapter 102, Erosion Control. 2 'rhc operator shall not cause or allow a point or non-point source pollution discharge from or 011 the t~lci I ity to any smface waters of the Commonwealth. 254-5403-100 I September [, 1997 I Page 13 ER-WM-265: 5/93 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF LAND RECYCLING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT LAND APPLICATION OF YARD WASTE fORM Please LlITliliarizc YOLll'sclf with the Pennsylvania Dcpartment of Environmental Protection GUIDELINES FOR LAND APPLICATION OF YARD WASTE prior to filling out this form. I. Sponsoring Municipality or County (Name and Mailing Address) Telephone Numbcr 2 Namc of Farm Contact Person at Farm ~._._~- Propcrty Owner's Name__ Address of Farm Contact Telephone Number ---.... ..,..- (Include Access Road Namc and Legislative Number) State Zip Code________ C ity- Borough-I'ownship ___ County Attach a U.S.G.S. 7.5 map identifying the yard waste site boundaries outlined on it. -. .:J. Total acres of IIml1 land application area. 4. Volume of yard waste to be received annually in cubic yards. _______ 5. Prcpare and include in this application a general sitc plan* for the facility which illustrates the location of the following items: aecess roads in relation to the nearest public road tipping area surface watcr controls (tipping area only) fields proposed for land application. * Please note that 0 hand drown sketch which includes site dinzensions is acceptable. An engineer's d/'Clw ing is not required. 6. Please address the following items: .. A completc list source(s) ofymd waste to be received. .. Dcscribe thc method for inspecting incoming yard waste. & Descri bc the plan for rejecting or disposing of unacceptable materials and residuals. 254-5403-100/ September I, 1997/ Page 14 <> Provide the name and location of the disposal or processing site for unacceptable materials and residuals. .. Attach the farm soil conservation plan and nutrient management plan. " Describe the volume of yard waste processed during the previous year or expected to be processed during the first year of operation. <b Please provide an operational narrative which includes a description of each of the fo!lowing: Operational hours for receiving yard waste Land application and incorporation frequency Plan for removal of yard waste from bags Spreading and incorporation methods and hequcncy Source of leaves and grass clippings. 254-5403-100 I September I, 1997 I Page 15 ,,,v"'. P/ I~ /'/lJI 1-/1/./'.(' ~/. t (, /1; /" i.;' ;;1 i~1- 7 Pi< ''-5 I/{ '1t~!i ,'/ / //'1;", I ;' ;....((:;..1;(/11/ l t,J1' /, I / / ji'(.hcl:A.-"iF,i' . (-:(/ / (~4/Jl /fM~,J!) .. j/-Y'/'t/l - )v' '1r,~ ()s. it })A'1- e A!--/~'J/z /-J Is 'j1',...iJ C,<r[< (?(/fA.1 J' pr.) Y 5 ,.,7 /' jYt-f Ii A. r (I t'Jq::'lll)' , jtJ {~~.:;-,r c/':/ A ,6',:111~7 /Jill 'J t:. ..:1;/,"/1 (s 'i! II (II jV ~ ,~,., j _ /' ...1,.1""" '--! 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