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CASEMANAGEMENT OUTSOURCING MH/ID/EI ASSUMPTIONS Seedetailedassumptionsinseparate document. Comparison ofexisting countystructurevs. outsourcing ofcasemanagementservices Tableoforganization Preliminary 2012-2013budget Countydirectandindirectallocatedcosts Othercosts Occupancy, OperatingCosts, Capital OutsideServiceProviders Revenue MH/IDADMINISTRATOR CASEWORKER DIRECTOROFPROGRAMFiscalDirectorDIRECTORMANAGEMENT AdministrativeEICOORDINATORAssistantII Accting GL/Staff SupportAccountant EISCIIEISCI Admin Secretary ReceptionistAssistantthree][two] Contract CASSP Housing MHProgram IDProgram MonitorCoordinatorSpecialistSpecialists (2)Specialists (2) CWSupICWSupIICWSupIICWSupICWSupICWSupI ACMCWIII ICMCWIIIICMCWIIIRCCWIIIIDSCIIIIDSCII one][one][one][one][one][four] ACMCWIIICMCWIIICMCWIIRCCWIIIDSCII four][four][four][six][four] ICMCWIRCCWIICMCWI two][two][one] OUTSOURCE EXISTING CASE COUNTY VARIANCE MANAGEMENTSTRUCTURE EXPENSE Salary & Benefits$ 888,300$ 3,424,800$ ( PEHBC Managementconsultant 1,600) TotalPersonnelCosts 2,538,100) CentralServiceAllocation 122,000 122,000 - AllocatedCosts: FiscalSupport 23,500) AccountsPayable 8,300 7,800) Purchasing 6,200 9,700 (3,500) HRandRiskManagement 23,100) HSAdministration 118,900 (57,700) InformationServices 115,200 (52,700) FultonCounty 8,400 5,600) 200,800 374,700 ( OccupancyExpense 137,000 (74,500) GeneralOperating 103,200 292,700 ( CapitalPurchases 1,200 (400) PurchasedServices TOTALEXPENSE 1,807,000) REVENUE Interest 3,500 3,500 - Federal 913,000 913,000 - State ChargesforServices - 1,807,000) OtherMiscellaneous 1,807,000) FULTONCountyShare FRANKLINCountyShare 245,800 245,800 - 1,807,000) SAVINGS / (COST) TO PROGRAMS NOTE: TheAssumptionsareanessentialcomponentofthisanalysisandshouldbeconsidered whenevaluatingthecostsandbenefitsofthevariousoptions. OUTSOURCECASEMANAGEMENTEXISTINGCOUNTYSTRUCTUREVARIANCE MentalIntellectualEarlyMentalIntellectualEarlyMentalIntellectualEarly TOTALHealthDisabilitiesInterventionTOTALHealthDisabilitiesInterventionTOTALHealthDisabilitiesIntervention EXPENSE Salary & Benefits$ 260,200$ 108,800$ 3,424,800$ 2,160,800$ 855,600$ 408,400$ (2,536,500)$ (1,641,500)$ (595,400)$ ( PEHBC 91,900 64,000 Managementconsultant 90,700 33,100 14,600 15,900 (1,600) TotalPersonnelCosts 1,070,900 616,400 331,100 926,500 300,900) CentralServiceAllocation 122,000 80,900 9,200 122,000 9,200 - AllocatedCosts: FiscalSupport 28,900 4,800 7,000 (1,000) ( AccountsPayable 3,600 1,800 9,600 3,800 2,700 (7,800) 6,700) (200) (900) Purchasing 4,100 900 9,700 4,000 4,300 1,400 (3,500) 2,800) (200) (500) HRandRiskManagement 25,300 3,500 5,200 (700) ( HSAdministration 61,200 22,500 7,500 118,900 10,900 (1,700) ( InformationServices 62,500 22,900 8,500 115,200 13,300 (3,400) ( FultonCounty 5,200 1,200 6,800 5,500 1,700 (5,600) 4,800) (300) (500) 200,800 69,100 103,500 28,200 374,700 221,500 111,000 42,200 (173,900) (152,400) (7,500) (14,000) OccupancyExpense 62,500 34,900 7,100 137,000 18,400 (16,300) (11,300) GeneralOperating 103,200 66,300 11,500 292,700 207,300 32,100 (189,500) (141,000) (27,900)20,600) CapitalPurchases 800 - 400 1,200 - 600 200) (200) PurchasedServices 6,146,400 4,404,800 761,100 591,900 1,169,400 820,300 169,200 TOTALEXPENSE 7,706,600 5,272,400 1,160,300 1,327,400 (167,100) REVENUE Interest 2,000 1,500 3,500 - 2,000 1,500 - Federal 913,000 155,700 570,900 913,000 155,700 570,900 State 6,490,500 4,987,000 625,700 625,700 ChargesforServices - - - - 478,100 167,100) OtherMiscellaneous 27,200 3,700 7,434,200 5,146,400 1,065,700 1,232,800 (167,100) FULTONCountyShare 26,600 12,600 5,200 8,800 5,200 8,800 - FRANKLINCountyShare 245,800 113,400 85,800 245,800 113,400 85,800 - 7,706,600 5,272,400 1,160,300 1,327,400 (167,100) SAVINGS / (COST) TO PROGRAMS NOTE: TheAssumptionsareanessentialcomponentofthisanalysisandshouldbeconsideredwhenevaluatingthecostsandbenefitsofthevariousoptions. PersonnelCosts$ GeneralFiscalOversight 23,500 AccountsPayable 7,800 Purchasing 3,500 HRandRiskManagement 23,100 HumanServiceAdminOversight 57,700 InformationServices 52,700 FultonCounty 5,600 OccupancyExpense 74,500 GeneralOperatingCosts CapitalPurchases 400 Less: AdditionalpaymentstoCaseManagement ServiceProvider (1,169,400) Less: Correspondingreductioninrevenuepaid directtoprovider (1,807,000) NETSAVINGS / (COST) TOPROGRAMS$ - COSTSTOCOUNTIES GeneralFiscalOversight$ AccountsPayable 7,800 Purchasing 3,500 HRandRiskManagement 23,100 HumanServiceAdminOversight 57,700 InformationServices 52,700 OccupancyExpense 74,500 FultonCounty 5,600 NETCOSTTOCOUNTIES$ 248,400