HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-4-20 EI Provider MinutesEarly Intervention Provider Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2012
Staff: Trish Elliot, Holly Divelbliss, Ed Franchi, Megan Cook
Providers: Adam Rowland – Advanta, Shelly Tobin and Theresa Miller – Invo Healthcare
Absent: Claire Hornberger, Jenn Hawbecker and Cynthia Bosserman– UCP
New Announcements
Screening – The process of screening consists of: A referral is received
for EI Services. The SC will meet with the family and determine if it’s
appropriate to complete the ASQ first or schedule an evaluation. If a child
has a diagnosis or the referral comes from a doctor’s office, hospital,
C&Y,etc then the ASQ would not need to be completed. The parents
have the right to say they do not want the screening and to just complete
the evaluation. Parents will sign a Parent’s Rights Agreement indicating
their preferences. . The screening will help provide the independent
evaluators with more information that may be helpful to know prior to the
evaluation. . The parents will be provided with a copy of the screening.
Adam from Advanta said they would want to see the results of the ASQ.
Holly wants to be able to track the screenings, evaluations, whether they
qualify or not to see how effective the screening process is.
Confidentiality – This policy does not have too much new information. It
discusses how parents (guardian, surrogate, adoptive parent) can ask to see
the child’s record. Parents can view the record but can only get copies of
“our” records not third-party records (which would be documentation
from providers). EI records are only kept for 4 years after they are closed.
Guidance on IDEA – This policy discusses the updates to changes in
policies, IDEA and part C regulations. The definition to speech pathology
has been changed. It states the requirements that must be done for children
as far as coordinating Childfind efforts with local county Children and
Youth agencies, child care programs, programs that provide services under
the Family Violence and Prevention and Services Act, Department of
Health Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI), Children’s
Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and other state or federal funded early
childhood programs.
Transition – There are certain things that must be done for the transition.
This policy discusses what we have to do. The TIU in Fulton County is
currently complying with this announcement in that they meet with the
families in the home for every transition meeting and in most cases they
have the transition evaluation in the home as well. The LIU in Franklin
County frequently holds transition meetings via phone and in almost all
cases has the transition evaluation at the Learning Center. The CAIU
(Shippensburg area) holds meetings and evaluations in their offices. The
transition announcement discusses how critical it is to plan ahead and
begin early to ensure continuity of services.
Update on Verification
Verification took place on March 27 and 28. Trish thanked all providers
who have helped during this process. Steve did the verification very
differently this year. Steve was very complimentary of the exit, the SCs,
and the 3 visits they attended. The final report has not yet been given to
Steve liked the notes that the therapists have been writing. For the most
part, not all outcomes were measurable. Trish has been asking for
additional training for this. The EI workers just had training on
Wednesday, April 18 and it was a good start.
Outcomes – Holly said the SCs are going to start a new format involving
who, what, when, where, etc. When the SCs go to 3 month monitoring
appointment, they are going to ask the therapist if the outcomes are
measureable. If a child cannot meet the outcome within a year, the
outcome is set to high and not measurable. A lower outcome then needs to
be set. Outcomes and strategies need to be updated and changes need to be
The LIU is not going to be contracting with us starting July 1st for
evaluations. They will continue to provide hearing and vision itinerant
ECOs (Early Childhood Outcome)
A report was sent to Holly showing entry and exit ECO’s that are missing
for FY 10-11 and 11-12. . Last November the state requested any ECO’s
that were 180 days past due to be entered immediately. Instead of
reviewing just the children who were 180 days late on the new report,
Holly reviewed all the children that did not have an Entry or Exit ECO. .
She mentioned that there were cases where children have exits but no
entrances and these cannot be put in the system. It is in hopes that by the
next time they ask for the ECOs, they are already complete.
Holly asked that providers tell their teams they do not need to complete
charts and graphs for annuals but still continue with the summary.. At the
next provider meeting, Holly will talk to the Service Coordinators and also
ask if the providers feel comfortable with not completing the PMOS. The
state has indicated that they are not requiring that the PMOS be completed
at the annual since the annual testing was completed, however this
provides the Sc’s and the families with a lot of good information.
Theresa from Invo stated that “if you take something away, you cannot get
it back or you will have a hard time getting it back”.
Progress needs to be more specific. An IFSP is a living document and can
be updated at anytime. The primary should be what the families want for
the child. SCs should always go into a home asking how things are going.
Late Arrivals
There is a concern about therapists arriving late for appointments. Holly
asked the providers if they would remind therapists to arrive at their
appointments on time.. Holly said it would be more helpful if therapists
gave more than one date and time for monitoring appointments. It was
also asked that therapists respect the time of families who like consistency.
She asked they try to be consistent with the families who prefer a certain
day and time.
End of the Year Billing
Trish stated that the time is coming up on the end of the year billing.
Everything must be in by August 15th and regular billing must be in by
July 15th. Holly stated that it takes more time for certain cases, such as
adopted children, so there will have to be some paper billing done again
this year. She has been waiting to close children out until 30 days after
their third birthday. This has made billing easier.
Ed reminded the group that since we now have State set rates for PT, OT
and ST that no cost settlement is needed and Megan said everyone has
done well with putting billing in.
Trish discussed 2012-2013 contract information. She said she is working
on amendments for both providers that were in attendance.
CPR Training
Trish sent out an email regarding the upcoming CPR training on May 9th.
UCP sent a list of who is attending.. Holly has SCs who will be attending
and Adam has potential employees for the training. CPR is first at 8:30
a.m. then First Aid/Blood Bourne at 10:30 in the Ag Building. It is $19.00
for CPR. If we must have a card from the American Heart Associate then
it will be an additional $10.00. Trish is going to talk to Steve Gauvrey
regarding the additional cost.
Blood Bourne certification is done yearly; First aid is every 3
There is a new Child Abuse Clearance. It will be put in the Newsletter.
Clearances do not need done yearly. If an individual starts a new agency,
they need to redo FBI, background check, and child abuse clearances.
14 day deadlines have been tremendously good. They have improved
within the last 4 years. EI achieved a satisfactory on the report card
regarding 14 day deadlines.
Trish is attending Central Region Meeting on April 26th. She will send any
information to the providers.
Trish is trying to get a positive behavior support group started like York-
Adams Early Intervention program but on a smaller scale..
Lori Loughry, a therapist from Invo, is leaving on May 3rd. Shelly is still
looking for a replacement.
May 19th, 2012 from 10 AM – 1 PM: Fulton County Kids Fest at Southern
Fulton School in Warfordsburg, PA.
The meeting was adjourned. The next EI Provider meeting is on July 20th from 10 AM – 12 PM
in conference room 112 in MH/ID suite at 425 Franklin Farm Lane in Chambersburg.
Minutes by Erin Nye