HomeMy WebLinkAboutMH Provider Meeting 3-8-13Mental Health Provider Meeting Human Services Building, Friday, March 8, 2013 MEETING MINUTES  Welcome and Introductions Everyone introduced themselves and their agency affiliation.  Provider Announcements and Updates Adams Hanover Counseling Services will be changing their name to reflect more of where they are and what they do. The name will be announced in June. There are openings for BHRS and family based for PA Counseling. The transition of case management from Franklin/Fulton County MH/ID/EI to Service Access and Management, Inc. has been completed. For Franklin County, the new location is 1061 Lincoln Way East. ID/EI and ACM staff has been moved to the new location. However, TCM staff will remain at the Admin Annex until they are cleared to move (transfer of license location). Staff attended orientation on February 28th and March 1st. Case managers are out in the field now doing what they are to be doing. All phone numbers have been kept the same (261-1555 or 709-4321), with the exception that 264-2184 is no longer active. It has been switched to the new location long enough for the secretaries to let the callers know it will no longer be in use. Nothing has changed at the Fulton County office – the numbers and address are still the same. SAM wanted to make the transition simple and easy for consumers so there was no stress. Individuals are keeping their same case managers and cell phone numbers. Email addresses are first initial and last name @sam-inc.org. Supervisors still have the same roles, and Matt Yingling is still the Case Manager Director. The referral process will remain the same until further notice. Letterheads will be different but the form contents are still the same as much as possible. There will be brochures available. If anything changes, providers will be notified. Family Care Services has immediate openings for family based and CRR. CRR has added a male Mental Health professional to the team. Because of resignation in Family Based Programs, Momentum Services is paying for two family based slots. If you would like to learn more about family based, contact Momentum Services. If interested, you can be put in the slot to attend the training. There are 3 workshops coming up then there are clinical days. There will be another Mental Health First Aid Training scheduled for March 25th, 26th and 27th. It will be from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Annex building. Cori recommended sending front line staff, ones answering the phones, etc. The training is free and is being provided by a provider with County funds. Jen Johnson discussed that January 30th was the mandatory Point in Time count for HUD. They served 14 individuals that evening. It is unknown whether there will be a mandatory summer count. Last year, the summer count was in August, where 19 individuals were served. Jen will keep everyone updated whether we will be having the event or not. At each Point in Time count, we have been serving an average of 15 individuals. Jen’s contact information was provided for providers to contact her regarding homeless individuals. The next meeting for Co-Occurring Initiative will be the first Wednesday of June at the Human Services Building for the implementation team. Everyone is welcome.  Children’s Services  CASSP Update Kimberly Lucas was not present for the MH Provider Meeting.  TMCA Update – Michelle Mosher Michelle Mosher was not present for the MH Provider Meeting.  CBHNP – Brian Gannon CBHNP will be having a meeting on March 25th for the Summer Therapeutic Activities Program. There is a call in number to attend. This notice is up on the provider portal. If you did not get it, please contact CBHNP to receive the formal invite. TMCA and CBHNP are co-sponsoring a scholarship for tobacco cessation treatment. It is 5 day training in New Jersey. The training will be funded by TMCA and CBHNP. Michelle Mosher sent an email to providers regarding the training and it has been posted to the portal. The training has a quick turnaround time. The training will be held in April. The deadline for submission is March 15th. If you have an interest or questions, contact Michelle Mosher or Brian Gannon. Cori Seilhamer forwarded the email for the SRN (Sharing Resources Network). The next email goes out Tuesday, March 12th. Look for information regarding the training in that email. If you are not receiving the SRN and would like to, please give your email to Jim and he will add you to the list.  Presentation on “I’m the Evidence” – Barry Bunch, MHA CSP Coordinator Barry Munch held a presentation regarding individuals with mental illnesses. Sandy Browne and Dave McKenrick have joined Barry to share their stories of mental illnesses. These two individuals have been through “I’m the Evidence”. Barry discussed that they like to help people with mental illnesses get on the Board of Directors, etc. The Block Grant has started, in which an Advisory Board was created. MHA has given the Advisory Board three names of individuals who have attended their Leadership Program. Of those three individuals, one was selected to be on the board. That individual will bring information back to the CSP (Community Support Program) meetings each month. MHA has speakers attend the CSP meetings to discuss various topics. Barry talked about stigma involved with mental illnesses. Knowledge is power, the more we know the more we can react. People who have mental illnesses have triggers. 1 in 4 people are affected by mental illnesses. Being affected by mental illnesses has nothing to do with age, race, etc. Bipolar, PTSD, and anxiety were among many mental illnesses mentioned. The goal of “I’m the Evidence” is to get people talking. MHA has services to help people, such as – a help line to call in, provide mental health information books, and senior reach. Brochures were provided during the meeting. For senior reach, Barry goes to senior centers to talk with individuals there. All they have to do is give Barry their name and phone number and MHA contacts them every week. Sandy Browne discussed her recovery process and the journey she experienced from the time of her diagnosis until now. Dave McKenrick was diagnosed with bipolar at the age of 20 and is now 42. He also discussed the journey of his mental illness. These are two individuals with mental illnesses; with two completely different stories. Barry stated that as providers heard from the stories presented, you can see how mental illnesses affect someone’s life. These are just two stories out of thousands. Barry encourages people to take a look at the way we view mental illnesses. Barry is available to come speak to other providers and go to the community. MHA tries to talk to as many organizations as possible. If you know of any groups that would benefit from a presentation or would like a presentation during a staff meeting, let Barry know.  County Announcements/Information  Friendly Reminders for Our Providers Reports due since our last MH Provider Meeting: o December 31st: Audited Reports (for fiscal year ending June 30th) o February 15th: Internal Quality of Service Survey and Quarterly Report of Expenditures (October – December). o March 1st: Contract related documents for the new fiscal year –  Appendix A  Budget/Rate Letter  Staff Roster (if appropriate)  Unit Assumptions (if appropriate)  Budget Narrative (if appropriate) o Fixed Asset Report (for fiscal year ending June 30th) Reports due prior to our next MH Provider Meeting: o Quarterly Report of Expenditures (January – March)  Psychiatric Admissions Reporting Overview (handout) The handout compared 4th quarter 2012 with 4th quarter 2011 community psychiatric hospital admissions. Jim discussed the report. Cori stated that while this report looks positive, our trend is the same – our recidivism rate is high. We need to figure something out as a system, in order to keep our individuals healthy in the community. There are 5 beds at Danville. We are currently 2 over our bed cap. It is anticipated that one individual will be discharged next week. Average length of stay: at Danville, the average length should be under two years. However, several of our individuals currently at Danville have been there for over 3 years. At EAC, the target is 6 months or less for the length of stay.  Tracking of Assets Purchased with MH/ID Funds (handout) Ed Franchi was unable to attend the MH Provider Meeting. The handout provided is a county procedure statement titled MHIDEI-2013-418 Tracking of Assets Purchased with MH/ID Funds. Due to Ed’s absence, Jim explained the procedure statement and how providers are expected to inventory and report the status of items purchased with MH/ID/EI funds. If you have any specific questions, please contact your program specialist or Ed Franchi.  Supported Employment Initiative Updates There is nothing new to report.  Monitoring FY 12-13 Contract Expenditures We need to very closely monitor the utilization of our funds. Most providers have received an email from Jim; while others will soon be receiving an email to see where they are right now and what their projections are for spending their funds. Many providers have submitted goals and budgets for FY 13-14. Jim thanked providers for that and wanted to let them know that he has not had the chance to review them yet. He will start reviewing them next week.  CPR Web CPR is officially web-based as of March 1st. This has changed things regarding billing. Susquehanna Software, Inc. provided training for providers to learn the new system. The County is no longer using CAPE for billing. There have been a few kinks in the new system but they have been worked out. Cori wanted to check in with providers to see if anyone had any feedback on the new system. If you are having any issues, please contact us so we can get them fixed. Also, Cori, Jim and Jen have entered all authorizations into the new system. If you see that one did not transfer, please call one of them.  All-Star Passes Cori asked for feedback on how the passes have gone. The All-Star passes are to attend National Seminars trainings, whether they are in person or web- based. The trainings are helpful, friendly and easy to use. If any providers are interested in having the All-Star passes for their staff, let Jim or Cori know. They can look into trying to purchase at a bulk rate. It is a year of access to trainings. If you attend in person, only the person signed up for that pass can attend. But anyone can attend the trainings on the web. Comments: AHCS – has only attended the trainings on the web. They are very helpful. They are two hours long which makes it easy to get other projects/duties done that day. The trainings are easy to access. OSI – has attended the web trainings as well. They have been very helpful. OSI has an individual in charge of downloading the trainings so that they can share them with other staff. OSI greatly appreciates the pass. New Visions – has distributed the information but has not had a chance to follow up with staff. A provider asked if CMEs are attached. Some may have that but Cori does not think all of them do. None of the ones that the providers have attended so far have had CMEs. Cori suggested that providers look into that.  Suggested topics for OMHSAS Jim discussed that occasionally we have had people from OMHSAS (Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services) attend a provider meeting to share updates/information or respond to questions. We thought it would be a good idea to invite them again. If you have specific topics or concerns that you would like OMHSAS to address, Jim will pass that information onto them. This will allow them to send the appropriate staff. Jim would like OMHSAS to attend the June Provider Meeting. He would like to send the topics a month and a half before the meeting. The meeting was adjourned. Next meeting: Friday, June 14, 2013 starting at 10:00 a.m. in the Human Services Building. Remaining Meetings in 2013: (All second Fridays starting at 10:00 a.m.) September 13th December 13th