HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-04 Commissioner Minutes
The Franklin County Commissioners met Tuesday, June 4, 2013, with the
following members present: David S. Keller, Robert L. Thomas and Robert G.
Ziobrowski. Chairman Keller presided and after calling the meeting to order, a Moment
of Silence, and the Pledge of Allegiance proceeded with the business of the day.
Chairman Keller asked to include Chairman’s time today to answer some
questions from previous meetings. On a motion by Robert G. Ziobrowski; seconded by
Robert L. Thomas; unanimously approved to adopt the amended agenda.
Chairman Keller wanted to respond to the following questions: Mr. Wyrick’s
question concerning Children & Youth (C&Y) annual report presentation and what has
the recent history been on county’s contribution to C&Y and Juvenile Probation.
Chairman Keller said in 2008 – expenditures were $1,839,503, 86% what was budgeted;
2009 expenditures were $1,884,000 (98%); 2010 expenditures were $2,046,000 (107%).
2011 expenditures $1,769,000 (93%); 2012 expenditures were $1,908,000 (98%); Mr.
Jones question about Bridge locations and coroner vehicle: Bridge 124 is on Punchbowl
Road in Montgomery Township, Bridge 119 is on Garnes Road in Montgomery
Township, Bridge 98 is on McFarland Road in Peters Township, and Bridge 49 is on Iron
Bridge Road in Letterkenny Township; Mr. Piper asked who authorizes bridge
maintenance costs and who decides what work needs to be done and Chairman Keller
responded that Mr. Hart reviews the bridge inspection reports from C.S. Davison and in
conjunction with the County’s Bridge Maintenance Team decides what needs done. In
terms of work to be done they are all slated for resurfacing, membrane and black top;
Mr. Jones asked who provided quotes for the Coroner’s vehicle and what vehicle will be
replaced. Chairman Keller responded there were four quotes requested and two were
provided and they were Jennings Chevrolet and Faulkner Buick GMC. The vehicle to be
replaced is year 2008.
Jim Wyrick provided public comment and made a statement about the public’s
distrust with elected officials at all levels of government.
Ken Jones provided public comment and asked what has happened to the longer
term collection of gas taxes, tolls and lotteries that were to be used for repairs of bridges
and highways.
Kim Wertz provided public comment and asked if engineers for the bridges are
paid on a flat annual basis because what happens if County Administrator does not like
the report and they have to redo the assessment. Ms. Wertz also is concerned about
Mr. Wynn wearing three hats because he may get burned out so she is hoping they get
a new MH/ID/EI director soon.
Allen Piper provided public comment concerning House Bill 76 and Senate Bill 76
for funding schools. He asked the Board to keep abreast at the County level because
funding will be reduced if these bills pass.
Kim Wertz spoke again and asked how much of road maintenance dollars will
come from Franklin County to repair the bridge in Harrisburg that was damaged several
weeks ago.
The minutes of May 28, 2013 and May 30, 2013 meetings were reviewed. These
will be approved Thursday, June 6, 2013.
The Board reviewed Agreements, Contracts and Reports. Commissioner
Thomas had questions about the 14 computers being purchased for the Tax Office and
Mr. Hart provided more information on this item. The following item was approved today
and the remainder items will be approved Thursday, June 6, 2013.
Continued on page 2
The Board reviewed Commissioners’ Office matters. On a motion by Robert G.
Ziobrowski; seconded by Robert L. Thomas; unanimously approved the contract
between the County of Franklin and National Financial Services Fidelity Capital Market
Division to transition the pension fund portfolio from existing portfolio to target portfolio.
Fidelity Investments will be compensated under terms of the retirement board fund as
authorized unanimously by vote of Retirement Board on May 23, 2013.
The Board reviewed MH/ID/EI matters. On a motion by Robert G. Ziobrowski;
seconded by Robert L. Thomas; unanimously approved for the Chairman of the Board to
execute the notification of the appointment of Richard Wynn as Acting Director of
MH/ID/EI to Bureau of Early Intervention Services, Office of Developmental Programs
and Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, effective May 6, 2013 until the
position is filled.
Traci Kline, Area Agency on Aging Director and Joe Schellhase, Area Agency on
Aging Advisory Board President were present to introduce the winners of the “Unleash
the Power of Aging” winners. Ms. Kline said that May was Older American’s month and
there were group activities at all the Senior Activity Centers and throughout the month
Area Agency on Aging showed their appreciation to older adults. She said one new item
they did was ask for nominations for older adults 60 and over who are true role models
in their communities. The Advisory Council reviewed eight nominations and through
their own criteria decided on three winners. Chairman Keller announced the following
winners and why they won: George Fries volunteers at the Extension Office, Master
Gardeners, Therapeutic Riding Center and the Heritage Center. Mr. Fries spoke that he
enjoys all activities and he thinks of helping in terms of what he gets back when giving
service to his community. Mr. Fries also wanted to inform the Board and John Hart that
they serve the County well and tax payers are very fortunate to have them in office; Jim
Scarfo volunteers with NARFE, Mercersburg Community Choir, Area Agency on Aging
Advisory Council and Lions. Mr. Scarfo said he likes to be the mule for people who can’t
take care of themselves; Benjamin Davis volunteers with the Brown Bag Program,
Lutheran Furniture Mission and is a dedicated volunteer in his church community. Mr.
Davis explained the Brown Bag Program and how it’s been in existence for 40 years
helping people during hardship times. He enjoys moving furniture for needy people and
is a faithful blood donor. Chairman Keller thanked Mr. Fries, Mr. Scarfo and Mr. Davis
for their service and is honored to have them here. Commissioner Thomas said they are
a great treasure and they give back to their community. He said when you give it comes
back to you.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m. with a motion by Robert G. Ziobrowski;
seconded by Robert L. Thomas.