HomeMy WebLinkAboutID Provider Meeting Minutes 8-2-13Franklin/Fulton Intellectual Disabilities Program Provider Meeting August 2, 2013 MINUTES Welcome & Introductions Everyone introduced themselves and their agency affiliation. Fiscal Updates  Friendly Reminders for our Based Funded Providers - August 15th: Quarterly Expenditure Report, Salary Review, Property Purchased and/or Leased, Fixed Assets - September 30th: MCR Reports (program funded only) - Monthly: exclusion and debarment - If a report is non-applicable or none (such as the property report), we would still like to get those reports indicating none (or N/A). This is so we know providers have addressed the report and knew it was due. It also provides us with documentation that you did not have anything to submit. - The MCR Report is for program funded providers only. The State will send Ed an email with the requirements, due dates, etc. then Ed will forward that email to the provider it affects (and include the date the report is due from providers). Ed needs to review and compile all of the reports from the providers and send them to the State together.  Inviting Fiscal Staff to Provider Meetings - Providers should look into sending a fiscal staff person from their agency to the provider meetings, especially if there are fiscal updates on the agenda.  Responding to Contract Requirements E-mail Reminders - If you have any questions whether a report relates to you, please contact Ed Franchi not Erin Nye. We always send the reminders to all providers rather than picking and choosing the providers in order to error on the side of ensuring that a provider doesn’t slip through the cracks.  New Procedure Statement/Block Grant Invoices - Providers have received copies of the procedure statements. We need to start addressing the split between Franklin and Fulton counties effective July 1. We need to track the units, clients, and billing by county and dollars by county. There are a lot of different billing processes depending on the system and provider. The procedure statement should address this. Please read through the procedure statements provided and let Ed know if you should have any questions. - We were in the block grant in FY 12-13. We will at some point in time (if we do not have the information already) be asking providers to provide us with the split between Franklin and Fulton counties for that FY. As for the new FY, program specialists are instructed to not accept any invoices unless it is separated out between counties. If the invoice is 100% Franklin County, please indicate that on the invoice. If providers do not know how to split their invoices, please contact Ed or Ashley. Providers who mail in their invoice should make sure the split of counties is on that invoice. Providers who submit their billing through Promise should email the program specialists telling them how the billing is split.  Contract Projection Sheet - A monthly projection sheet has been created for Mental Health providers. When a provider submits invoices, they must also submit a projection sheet that covers the entire FY. This will allow us to see if providers will need more money and if they are/are not utilizing their encumbrance. After December, once we are six months into the fiscal year, we will take a closer look to see if we need to institute something similar to this for ID. We understand that some services are seasonal and are hard to project for. If providers are not spending a certain amount of their encumbrance on a monthly basis but know they will spend it towards the second half of the fiscal year, relay that information to Jane or Marion. We do projections every month to see where we think we are going to end the fiscal year at. This is to allow us to see if we can shift funds within a program. Ed is asking that ID providers start monitoring their encumbrance on a monthly basis. The projection sheet, as of right now, is not a requirement for ID but again, we will take a look at this in December. We do not want the block grant committee to move any money out of our program if it is needed in other areas within ID. If providers are going to be over spent or are not utilizing units, there may be a possibility there will not be funds to pay providers by the end of the fiscal year.  Cost Settlement - As for base service providers: the block grant did not eliminate the regulations we need to abide by, one of which is cost settlement. This will still be completed for providers that are appropriate for the FY that just ended. If this effects your organization, please submit the necessary reports to Ed as soon as possible so that cost settlement can be determined by the end of August. Ed needs to figure out what dollars are available and if providers need additional dollars in their program. There will most likely be changes to the cost settlement process due to the block grant. - Lorrie Miller from the ARC asked when audit confirmations for FY 12-13 would be available. Ashley will discuss this with Becky Leidig and get back with her. SCO – SAM  ISP Checklist & Bi-annual Reviews - Natasha Kara from SAM met with one of the SCs, who informed her that most providers are doing really well with the ISP checklist. However, some providers are just sending information directly to the SC and not completing their portion of the checklist. This is just a reminder for the six month reviews to make sure the checklist is complete. The portion that needs to be filled out is on the first page and states provider information. - Questions/Comments from Providers:  Tony Fischer, FCS: The SC was asking the provider to put everything in the quarterly report into the comment section on the six month review. At first the comment section was not writable. However, Tony saved one then reopened it and it then allowed him to write in the comment box. Providers are writing so much more in the quarterly than what would be available in the comment section. The quarterly is six paragraphs. For the six month reviews, it is page 1 and 5 of the checklist that residential providers must fill out. SAM stated that typed would be preferable but if it is handwritten, it needs to be legible.  Natasha Kara, SAM: Fill out the comment section and page 1 and 5 of the checklist. As for the annuals, there is a portion that the provider needs to fill out as well. Providers will bring page 1 to the meeting and will complete the rest of the annual during the meeting.  Marion stated that it is helpful for the providers to utilize the entire e checklist as a tool in determining service need. Some providers consistently complete page 1 “reason for service need/justification of ongoing service need” and the explanation section however, not all providers are doing this consistently. This information is helpful in justifying the need for continuation of services and/or the request for additional services. During the AE review of the checklist, we are looking for justification for services and if the individual is making progress or not. Goals should change as the individual progresses or shows no progress to reflect their change in need. AEs only review the bi-annual reviews when there is a critical revision associated with the service. The AEs do review the checklist for all other required services. Jane Cline  Family Care Services - Family Care Services was supporting an individual that will be moving out of their system into a different program. The family living provider has a tracking system for a residential provider that could use it. With residential providers, waiver under the 6400 cannot pay for the tracking system. If the provider is willing to pay to have the tracking system removed and put into their group home, it would be a lot less expensive than buying a new one. If you know of anyone that would be interested, let Jane know. The tracking system comes with lift and motor and it is not permanent so it would not be expensive to move.  Aging Initiative: 7 slots - The State sent us letters for initiatives. Jane originally requested 20; 10 were consolidated and 10 were PFDS. However, we only received seven consolidated and no PFDS. The State is out of PFDS slots. We will be enrolling seven new individuals into waiver. These individuals might need residential. They will definitely need Home and Community or Day services.  Day Program Openings - Jane would like to know what openings are available in Day Programs. NHS currently has four openings. Deb from OSI stated that OSI is good as long as the money is there, they can make it work. Marion Rowe  HCQU: Wretches & Jabberers Video - Marion forwarded an email about a HCQU video called Wretches & Jabberers. It is a 90 minute documentary. It is a video on communication with autism. Deb Thomas requested that the video be shown in Franklin County. As soon as we get this coordinated and have a location set, Marion will send out the information. The video will be one of the HCQU trainings.  PPC: Psychiatric Hospitalization Intervention Process - Marion provided copies of the psychiatric hospitalization discharge planning form that she received at a PPC meeting. The first part of the hand out is regarding “Scott’s story” that had a psychiatric hospitalization and ended up at a state center. A provider agency was willing to serve him and help pull him out of the state center and try to plan for him. Sometimes when we have a psychiatric hospitalization, we do not plan for discharge upon admission. This form is helpful for the SCs and providers. It goes over what occurred prior to the admission, during admission, and what the team needs to do to have a successful transition from the hospital back to the home or residential program. Across the state psychiatric hospitalizations have led to families unable to care for their family member or the residential provider giving discharge notice as they are no longer able to meet their needs. . Marion has noticed that incident descriptions tend to be very vague. It is really important to be very clear and concise about what has occurred. A lot of the incidents just say that the individual was aggressive. The incidents need to be more detailed so that others reviewing the incident have a clear picture of what occurred. This information is important with discharge planning and determining what supports the individual will need. The discharge planning form covers: the debriefing process, medications, contacts, what works, what doesn’t work, recommendations, service & supports, etc. Quarterly PPC meetings continue to be held in Hershey. If you have someone dually diagnosed that you are struggling to support, you can present during PPC, contact Jane or Marion and they will provide you with the information to complete and the next meeting date. The PPC team can give ideas and suggestions to successfully support the individual.  Incident Management: memo 056-13 - There was an incident management memo that was distributed regarding missing demographic information on incident reports. Marion contacted the help desk a couple weeks ago. It turns out this error was occurring across the state. The help desk is requesting the following:  Do not continue to use this incident report (if the demographics do not appear). The point person must initiate a second incident report for the same individual/incident. (If the demographics do not appear in the second incident, contact the help desk).  The point person must follow the procedures to request deletion of the first incident. Remember to include the incident number you are requesting to delete. Also, include the new incident number.  The point person will continue to process the second incident report as per ODP’s established guidelines. Please refer to the initial incident in the second incident. Note that the demographics did not appear.  Graduate Initiative: 14 slots - We originally requested 14 PFDS slots and four consolidated slots for 2013 graduates. We only received 14 PFDS slots only. Some individuals have already started services that we were funding through base until they were enrolled in PFDS. This will continue until we get them waiver enrolled. We are hoping to have this done by September 1st. Two of the individuals are looking for Day Programs while other individuals are looking for Pre-vocational and job supports. It is unsure of any additional services these individuals may need. Base contracts will be amended once all individuals are enrolled. Providers will need to end billing for base and start billing for waiver once enrollment is complete. If you try to cross over billing dates, the billing will not go through. Lori Young  Provider Monitoring Memo - A memo was sent out for providers to update their contact information for provider monitoring. Please complete the form. If you should have any questions, please contact Lori.  IM4Q Considerations - All IM4Q considerations have been submitted to MHA. They are now complete until next year. Rick Wynn  Advisory Board Openings - The MH/ID Advisory Board has an opening for a physician and a consumer representative. Rick would like to see the consumer representative come from the ID side, hopefully a parent or someone who has been in services with ID. Providers are unable to be a Board member due to a conflict of interest. If you know of anyone who would qualify for the two vacant positions, please contact the office at 717-264-5387.  Update on Administrator - The process of hiring an Administrator is that the Advisory Board receives the applications then selects the individuals they would like to interview. The names of the individuals selected then get sent to Civil Service to see if they meet the minimum qualifications. Once Civil Service determines that the individual meets the minimum requirements, the interview process begins. The Advisory Board is required to provide two names to both sets of Commissioners. If the Commissioners agree on a candidate, they select that individual. If they cannot agree on a candidate then the Secretary of the State will choose. There were 85 applicants for the Administrator’s position. 9 applicants were forwarded to Civil Service to determine if they qualify. Civil Service replied that only 4 out of the 9 met the qualifications at this time. The Board has set up interviews for August 30th. The earliest MH/ID/EI would have an Administrator would be October 1st (which it will probably not be that early). The start date will depend on the notice the individual wants to give their current employer and various other factors. Round Table Discussion  Family Care Services has opened several new homes. All are licensed except one. FCS’ licensing is this month.  The ARC will have Therapy Dogs instead of Bingo in August at the Social. The ARC will also be having a fundraiser on September 7th. So far there have not been a lot of responses so the registration has been extended.  Service Access & Management, Inc. has two new staff members: Tracy Mentzer started with ID about a month ago. She previously worked for SAM as an MH case manager and Rebecca Frankavitz started as well. Events  Upcoming HCQU Trainings: - Impulse Control Disorder ~ 8/9/13 & Communication with the Non-verbal Individual ~ 9/13/13 - The HCQU trainings are still be held at the Admin Annex the second Friday of every month from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Towards the end of the calendar year, Marion and Deb will be looking at attendance to see if the HCQU should continue the two time slots.  Building Bridges Conference (in Harrisburg): September 17th and 18th  HCQU Nurses Training Day: October 18th - Nurses are first priority but the training is open to anyone. If you have staff interested, email Deb Berg quickly as these spots do fill up.  PADES: October 23rd- 25th - Employment Summit is in Camp Hill. The registration has not been sent out yet. This is just a reminder to pencil in this date.  Human Services Training Days: October 15th and 16th - Kurt Kondrich is the key note speaker for October 15th. He has spoken at the IM4Q Conference. Next Meeting Date: November 1, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in the Human Services Building located at 425 Franklin Farm Lane, Chambersburg Minutes by Erin Nye