HomeMy WebLinkAboutID Provider Meeting Minutes 11-1-13Franklin/Fulton Intellectual Disabilities Program Provider Meeting November 1, 2013 MINUTES Welcome & Introductions Everyone introduced themselves and their agency affiliation. Fiscal Updates  Friendly Reminders for our Based Funded Providers - November 15th: Quarterly Expenditure Report - December 31st: Audited Financial Statements - January 31st: Progress Report on Outcomes - Monthly: Exclusion & Debarment and Projection Spreadsheet We are aware that some of these reports may not be required for all providers, as some providers have state set rates (for example). However, all providers will continue to receive the emails each time the reports are due. If you have any questions whether you are required to submit the report, please contact either Ed or Ashley.  Contract Projection Sheet - The County is going to be requiring providers to give more financial information and projections on where they believe their agency will end the year at fiscally. This is to plan ahead and make sure that the County has enough funds to pay for all services provided, especially if they are projecting to be over their encumbrance. It will allow us to be more proactive and know how to quickly reallocate funds if need be. In the block grant, the funds of seven different programs are put in one “pot.” If a provider is not utilizing their funds, those funds are able to be used in a different program. - The projection sheet that the County is now requiring providers to complete will help better manage funds. Ashley will make sure each provider gets their own personalized form. Certain pieces in the spreadsheet will already be completed by Ashley, such as the total encumbrance for your agency, estimated monthly billing and actual billings for July-October. We are asking providers to verify the actual billing to show that the County and your agency are reflecting the same figures. Providers will then be in charge of completing the projected billing section for the rest of the fiscal year. Keep in mind to complete the Franklin and Fulton county split. The spreadsheet is created to make the calculations for you after you enter the projection columns in. The projection sheet will be due when the actual billing is due, which is the 15th of the following month. If you are providing multiple services, you will receive a separate spreadsheet for each service, as they have their own encumbrance. The bottom of the spreadsheet will show you/us if you are projecting an increase in the encumbrance for that service. If you have any questions regarding the projection sheet, please contact Ed. - Jane stated the importance that billing comes in on the 15th of the following month each month. We need to keep track of how much is really being spent by providers. We understand that the base dollars are only a small portion and providers are submitting their waiver billing but we need the base billing Franklin/Fulton Intellectual Disabilities Program Provider Meeting November 1, 2013 to figure out where we are at in our encumbrance. It is important to spend what we have in ID because if we lose it, we may not get it back. - As per the Franklin and Fulton split, if Ed asks for more information regarding the split in FY 12-13, please make sure you respond back to him in a timely manner as there is a deadline that the report must be due to the state.  For Your Information - Becky Leidig will be completing the ID billing from November 6th until January 6th while Ashley is off. You may still send emails to Ashley’s email as they will continue to be checked during her absence. You may also email or call Ed, Becky, Jane, Marion or Lori if you have any questions. Jane Cline  MH/ID/EI Administrator & Regional Manager Update - Steve Nevada will be starting as the new MH/ID/EI Administrator on November 12th. Some of you may know him as he has previously worked as the CBHNP Program Director and currently works for Hoffman Homes. There will be a meet and greet on November 25th from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for all who would like to stop by and introduce themselves. - John Shankweiler retired as of last Friday. Some of you may know him through licensure. He was our AE Point Person. Until they hire someone for his position, Denise will be covering Franklin and Fulton counties.  Unlicensed Home & Community Habilitation Documentation for Residential Providers (handout) - About 2 months ago, someone from either ODP or our office notified providers about sending documentation about unlicensed community habilitation services. ODP is taking a close look at residential providers providing unlicensed home and community habilitation in their program. What they have discovered is that some providers are not following the service definition. Unlicensed home and community habilitation cannot be provided in a licensed facility, day plan, group home, or family living home. Jane wanted to express the importance that if someone a provider is supporting, is authorized and approved for home and community habilitation that they make sure that person is not being serviced in a licensed facility. Some providers are ending up having to pay back a lot of money. Documentation is the key; make sure you document the services they are working on, such as volunteer work and the times they volunteered. ODP also discussed that taking an individual shopping is not a habilitation goal. ODP is asking for a years’ worth of documentation. They looked for individuals approved for both residential and home and community services then looked to see who was providing those services. If they noticed that both services were provided by the same provider, they were requesting documentation, such as schedule, records, SCs monitoring and case notes.  Integrated Checklist (handout) Franklin/Fulton Intellectual Disabilities Program Provider Meeting November 1, 2013 - Jane provided a handout titled: Integrated Support Check List for People Who Have an Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Challenges. The dual diagnosis bulletin is close to being signed and distributed. The bulletin does not make sense unless you look at the manual, which also comes out with the bulletin. The checklist is one tool that ODP and OMHSAS worked together on for people that have challenging behaviors or teams are struggling to support an individual. It is a good place to start to see if you have everything you need for the individual or there is something that you need support in or technical assistance. The HCQU can come do a CDC or record review. A suggestion is being made that the checklist be completed. It can be used if someone goes into the hospital and prior to discharge you can sit down with the team to see if all medical issues are covered. Medical should always be the first thing we look at. The County has started a MH/ID Coordination Committee. MH/ID has been working with TMCA and CBHNP to see what supports we need in the community with someone who has an intellectual disability and a mental health illness. There are a lot of therapist not qualified or do not have the expertise with intellectual disabilities.  Start-up Request Form Info Packet 071-13 (handout) - ODP has set aside $200,000 for this year for start-up costs for life-sharing or if a new residential home is being established. An agency is allowed up to $5,000 per person. It has to be someone going into residential for the first time. If you are opening a new home and you have three people you are looking to move in and never received services in the past, you can apply for the start-up funding per person. It is not a promise you will receive it but it may offset costs for furniture and adaptations. Family living is qualified for the start-up costs as well. The turnaround time has been quick.  Reporting Unauthorized Restrictive Interventions 080-12 (handout) - This information/handout was brought up by Robin VanEerden, a presenter from ODP, regarding one on one staffing. If someone has one on one staffing there should be a plan in their behavioral support plan. Robin will be discussing more of this at the S.E.E.N. (social, emotional and environmental needs) training on Monday, November 4th. Under licensure, when they look at restrictive procedures and support plans, they are not checking to see if there is a support plan but ODP is requiring it. Therefore, you would not get hit with licensure but with provider monitoring you will get sited for not having it. There has to be a plan used for behavioral supports. One on one is considered restrictive. A provider asked “what if the individual requests the one on one”. The answer could not be provided at the ID Provider Meeting. However, there are 35 people signed up for the training on November 4th, and Robin will be able to answer these kinds of questions. Lori Young  Provider Monitoring/Qualifications Reminders Franklin/Fulton Intellectual Disabilities Program Provider Meeting November 1, 2013 - The only time a provider will see Lori is if she is the lead AE for provider monitoring qualifications. She will only be the lead AE for two providers present at the meeting. For provider qualifications, through HCISI you will only have to do qualifications if you have on site provider monitoring. The link will open on February 1st. Lori will send the link out to all providers who need to complete qualifications when it becomes available. Lori will be collecting provider qualification data when she does on site provider monitoring review so you will only have to see her once. The provider monitoring has been changed to every other year process again. If your MPI number ends in an odd number, you have an onsite this year; those that end in an even number have theirs next year. The new shortened tool is not only for transportation providers but if you only provide transportation, vendor, or homemaker/chore, you can use the shorten tool. As a reminder, provider monitoring self-review that all providers must complete are due with the provider monitoring link on November 30th. If you did not receive this, you need to get in touch with Lori. The corrective action plan is still standardized but they changed that you only need ongoing correction action if the score falls below 86% or if you have two incidents of the same noncompliance if you serve less than 10 individuals.  WRAP Pilot - On the integrated checklist that Jane provided, you will also notice WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan). Franklin and Fulton counties have chosen to be a pilot for WRAP action plan for people who have intellectual disabilities and mental health diagnosis. It will be a work book style format coming out in December. All four examples in the work book are from people in Franklin County! Kristin Fischer is a new facilitator with WRAP. Kristin and Lori will be doing first WRAP group at OSI in February. It will be for 10 or less people. It is one day a week for 8-10 weeks. Anyone who goes to OSI that would be a good choice for that program or can write a wellness recovery action plan let Lori know. After the first group is done, the curriculum will be set up so it is evidence based. You have the choice to do evidence based or one on one with people. It will then be opened to anyone who wants to have a WRAP plan. There have recently been 17 facilitators trained. Marion Rowe  HCQU - Consumer data collection requests should be submitted for all new residential/lifesharing admissions. You can also request for hospitalization, rehabilitation and long term care admission and discharge. - If you have new people to your program and new to residential, they should have a CDC request. This meaning that all new residential individuals must have a SIS and CDC request. Deb Berg stated that it would be better if the CDC request was submitted a month or two after as it takes time to know who people are. You will not know all the information for the request the first week of meeting the individual. You can request it through the SC at the team Franklin/Fulton Intellectual Disabilities Program Provider Meeting November 1, 2013 first, during the first quarterly review after the individual has moved in. It will then take another month or two after that to it scheduled. SCO ~ SAM  SC Monitoring - Per the discussion on the unlicensed home and community habilitation documentation for residential providers, Bridget Pugh asked if it was double billing when the SCs did their monitoring while a residential staff was also with the individual. Jane explained that it is not double billing as the SCs have requirements to monitor and part of the requirement is doing it in the community. SAM will work with providers on when would be the best time to complete the monitoring. SAM is just asking that providers understand that it is an ODP requirement. The SCs should be speaking with staff members of the agency prior to monitoring to set up the monitoring.  Caseload Change - In October there was a change in caseloads with supports coordinators. There were letters sent to the individuals and their families regarding the change. The letter stated that if there was a concern with wanting to stay with their particular SC to please let SAM know. A couple individuals did respond and SAM was able to make sure they stayed with that SC. The reason for this change is to make sure that there were some differences with SCs workloads as different types of waivers require different levels of care. There were some SCs that had a lot of the more intensive cases. SAM needed to make sure that everyone was getting the service they needed and their needs were met. Round Table Discussion  Deb Berg – HCQU - Deb has been having trouble sending the new syllabus for January-March so a handout was provided. The syllabus in this area for those three months are as follows:  January: new DSM 5. The HCQU has been receiving a lot of questions about training with autism diagnosis and how the new DSM 5 will affect our individuals and treatment they are qualified for. The training will be a history of the DSM and how it affects people with ID and MH.  February: Parkinson’s disease and tick disorders.  March: Advocacy. Deb is finding that we have a lot of providers who do not know how to advocate for their individuals, such as speaking up for them at doctor’s appointments or when being discharged from the hospital. The training will give tools on how to be a good advocate not only in the working situation in caring for individuals but also how to be an advocate for children and elderly parents. Deb will send a nurse one time with providers to teach them how to advocate, how to talk to the doctor and how to get the answers wanted. Franklin/Fulton Intellectual Disabilities Program Provider Meeting November 1, 2013  Tony Fisher – Family Care Services - FCS has some lifesharing openings. Tony discussed the new wage an hour of lifesharing that is to come out January 2015 will most likely close lifesharing down because the expectations are impossible. Lifesharing and community home when compared to one another, community home is three times more expensive.  Bill Niles – Person Directed Supports - PDS did admit a new residential individual about a month ago. - There are a couple new people in the Day Program. There are currently 8-10 openings in the Day Program.  Mary Shedleski - Branch Creek Neighbors - Branch Creek is starting a waiting list. They have noticed that there has been an increase for need in their service. Branch Creek was curious as to whether other programs were having an increase in their day programs. They wanted to know if they should think about building up a new program in possibly Shippensburg. Branch Creek is asking for feedback from providers. Jane asked SAM to talk to the SCs to get their feedback and contact Branch Creek with a response. Branch Creek is going to be maxed out. They are trying to figure out if there is a need and where to go from there. Mary is unsure of the limitations. For more information, contact Branch Creek.  Kathy Ibrahim – PA Mentor - There are no lifesharing openings. The recruiting team was working on a couple families but Kathy is unsure where the progress is with this.  Lorrie Miller – The ARC - The Holiday Party is December 19th at Saint Paul at 7:00 p.m. for Franklin County. As for Fulton County, the Holiday Party will be December 14th from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Fulton County Theater. There is no need to register as it is open to the public. There are newsletters with all the information regarding the holiday party, as well as posted to the website.  Bridget Pugh – Keystone Human Services - Keystone Human Services is looking for a small rancher. Bridget has been working with a realtor to open up another community home. - KHS is getting ready for their Christmas Party at the new Franklin Fire Hall. - Day services are getting ready for their annual Thanksgiving event. - KHS is getting ready for licensing. One of the changes to licensing is that it will no longer be called noncompliance; the term will now be violations. - KHS is currently supporting 22 individuals in their day program. They are licensed to support 29. However, KHS does not want to take any new individuals due to lack of space because some individuals currently there are in wheel chairs. They are looking at two individuals for in the spring though. Franklin/Fulton Intellectual Disabilities Program Provider Meeting November 1, 2013  Nancy Quaresima – NHS - NHS has their residential licensing two weeks ago. There were some changes in licensing. The licensing went fairly well. However, NHS did receive some violations. They did receive a lot of good recommendations. The Day Program licensing will take place on November 26th. During the licensing two weeks ago, we did compliance information together. They gathered information and scheduled the next licensing while there. Events  Upcoming HCQU Trainings - November 8th: Target Symptoms of Mental Illness versus Behavior. - November 22nd: Wretches and Jabberers video. It will be held at the Administrative Annex from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Deb encourages at least every direct care person to see this video. - December 13th: Down’s Syndrome  OSI Printing Services & Free Shred Day - Free Shred Day at OSI is November 14th, starting at 7:00 a.m. The trucks will be set up on Norland Avenue near Target and Giant. There is a four (legal size) box limit. Bring your shred boxes and OSI will put them in sealed containers for the shred company.  2014 Intellectual Disabilities Provider Meeting Schedule - February 7th May 2nd August 1st November 7th Next Meeting Date: February 7, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Human Services Building located at 425 Franklin Farm Lane, Chambersburg Minutes by Erin Nye