HomeMy WebLinkAboutID Provider Meeting Minutes 8-1-14Franklin/Fulton Intellectual Disabilities Provider Meeting Friday, August 1, 2014 1 MINUTES Welcome & Introductions Everyone introduced themselves and their agency affiliation. Fiscal Updates  Contract Projection Sheets for 14-15 & Fiscal 2013-2014 Year-End Contract billing and projection spreadsheets for FY 14-15 will be sent out to providers in the next week from Ashley. If the projection sheets are not being sent to the right person, please call or email Ashley so that she knows who to send them to. Ashley would like to thank all providers for getting FY 13-14 billing to her in time since the state tightened the deadlines.  Interim Cost Settlement Process If you are an organization that is required to do cost settlement, the interim financial statements were due to Ed Franchi yesterday, July 31st. For those who do not have interim financial statements, any internally generated financial report will work. If you have not had a chance to send the statements to Ed, please do so immediately. If you have any questions please call or email Ed.  Friendly Reminders for Our Based Funded Providers ~ August 15th: Quarterly Expenditure Report Salary Review Property Purchased Report Property Leased Report Fixed Assets Purchased with MH/ID/EI Funds  Friendly Reminders of Past Due Reports ~ July 10th: Audit Engagement Letter ~ July 31st: Outcome Progress Report If you have not provided these reports, please do so at your earliest convenience. ODP ~ Theresa Toombs  Incident Management ~ I2I Abuse The bulletin states that I2I abuse is filed on the perspective of the victim. This is a statement not well written. The bulletin sounds as if only the victim perceives the incident as abuse then it should be filed. This is not what it means. ODP is working on a revision to clarify that statement in that the incident should be filed in HCSIS under the victim’s name. ODP central region and other regions have had discussion on what should be filed under I2I abuse. If there is an intent on the part of the target (person committing the act of alleged abuse) to cause harm or if there is a perception on the part of the victim, that is I2I abuse. Both the target and the victim Franklin/Fulton Intellectual Disabilities Provider Meeting Friday, August 1, 2014 2 should be receiving services in order for it to be I2I abuse. Allegations are to be filed in HCSIS even if they are thought not to be true by staff (victim’s perspective). Incident data does not put bad marks on providers. ODP can only make a difference in the system, a person or the area if there is data to support it. Examples of I2I abuse or not I2I abuse: ~ If two individuals in a home (John and Sally): John is barreling down the hallway and Sally is in the way. John has every intention of taking her out. Sally is oblivious. John is verbalizing what he is up to. John then knocks Sally down but there was no injury. This is I2I abuse. John’s intention was to cause harm. Even though he did not hurt Sally, the intention was there. ~ If John had no intentions of knocking Sally down but Sally felt he was going to hurt her and was screaming in fear he was going to then this would be I2I abuse. Sally’s perception is John is going to harm her. If there is no intention or perception then an I2I abuse does not need filed. The type of incident report reflects the type of corrective action. There are three different reports: 1) target that targets a bunch of people, 2) those who allow people to victimize them, and 3) same target, same victim all the time. There are times you will have individuals that will have I2I reports no matter what corrective action is put into place. Depending on the severity of the incidents, we as a team need to decide what action to take. Kathy Ibrahim ~ what do you do if you determine no intention or perception but three weeks later the individual confesses they did mean harm? Theresa Toombs ~ The I2I report can be entered at that time of confession. Bridget Pugh ~ Is there a document coming out on clarification? Theresa Toombs ~ It will only go as far as the people hear it explained to them. At a HCQU meeting in Hershey, it was discussed putting together a laminate cheat sheet regarding the definition and relationships. The HCQU is going to distribute it to providers. Please direct any questions or misunderstandings to Theresa. When in doubt, do a report. Treatment beyond first aide is reportable. Events that cause a bruise (no intention or perception) may be reported in optional fields, not I2I. I2I should capture the situations that are intentional between two people, not accidents. If a person is nonverbal, you must look at their reaction to what has occurred. Those who know the person best should make a judgment call on whether it affect the individual or not.  Adult Protective Services (APS) Calls The last Wednesday of every month there are APS conference calls that have been opened up to providers. There are conference calls scheduled for August and September from 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Providers can register on the OCS website two Franklin/Fulton Intellectual Disabilities Provider Meeting Friday, August 1, 2014 3 weeks prior and up to the time of the call. There are a lot of questions and concerns on APS implementation and how it will roll out after the new agency (which is unknown at this time) is in place. There have been six conference calls so far. Four of those calls took up the whole two hour time frame. The last two calls have only lasted 25 minutes each. Either providers are not aware that the calls are going on or they are not sending someone to participate. It is strongly encouraged that providers attend the conference calls. Marion Rowe  Fiscal Year Renewal Fiscal year renewals should all be complete. All providers should have checked their service authorization notices to make sure that units are accurate and services are in. If you have not, please do so as soon as possible. Please make sure to contact the Supports Coordinator (SC) if anything needs updated or corrected.  Unlicensed Home & Community Habilitation Marion and Tim Morris, PDS met with Denise and Courtney to discuss the unlicensed home and community habilitation. They provided clarification on the service definition, billing and documenting case notes. One of the things discussed was checking to see if there is clear documentation on how the home and community habilitation is being delivered. Make sure the outcome has a teaching/learning component not focusing on covering those 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. hours. If someone is in a residential setting there are other things that are going to be covered under the residential rate. PDS updated their service notes to include time frames for each outcome. If there was a part of the day that wasn’t covered under the unlicensed home and community it was documented as well. The case note clearly needs to document the outcome and what time it is being provided so providers can bill accurately for that service. PDS’s notes made it clear when breaks were taken as well. Do not have generic outcomes in the plans. Outcomes should be specific for the individual in terms of what their goals are going to be. Clarification was received on things we thought were covered under residential rate that individual’s might be working on in the community to increase independence. Banking and medical appointments have a teaching/ learning component. It cannot be for the benefit of the provider; the individual has to want to do it and has to be a skill set. The outcomes statement has to fall within the service definition. Action steps for the outcome have to be specific to outline all the things the person wants to learn. If anyone has any questions on documentation, please give Tim a call at PDS. Courtney and Denise are willing to visit any providers that would like more clarification.  General Updates Marion attended the Transition Conference in State College in July. One session was about labor laws and ensuring volunteer work is not a true benefit to the employer or business. Be cautious that the volunteer is not a replacement for a regular paid Franklin/Fulton Intellectual Disabilities Provider Meeting Friday, August 1, 2014 4 employee. Volunteers should not be at a for profit agency. Labor industry is going to be taking a closer look at the volunteer activities going on. They are open to answer any questions people may have on the labor law. If anyone would like the powerpoint discussing the labor law, please call or email Marion. The phone system has changed at the MH/ID/EI office. The automated system now states: press 0 to speak to someone at any time, press 1 for case management services through SAM, press 2 to dial by extension or press 3 to dial by last name. Marion provided employee extension numbers and SAM cell phone numbers. Hempfield Behavioral Health is now accepting referrals for participants at the Red Tomato Farm & Inn. A flyer was provided regarding their Open House on Wednesday, August 13th from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The Red Tomato Farm & Inn is a new day program opening to serve individuals in Franklin and Fulton counties. Marion provided a packet on requesting technical assistance. Trainings can still be requested. Providers can complete the form in the packet to request any technical assistance or training wanted for their organization or they may complete a request on ODP’s consulting website. The waiver service claim documentation and remediation process bulletin is about correcting billing if an error was made. It shows providers how to go back and void the error. Make sure that documentation matches claims submitted. The bulletin provides steps on what to do to assure billing is accurate and how to adjust claims. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act discusses the law that was signed that goes into effect next year for people with disabilities earning less than minimum wage. The goal is to assure opportunities for competitive employment is assured first. It focuses on younger adults and making sure they are receiving pre- employment transition services. Nothing has come through ODP in terms of expectations and complying with the act. Something may come out next year. This has a huge impact on eligibility for sheltered workshops and individuals working sub minimum wage. There will be individuals not ready for employment. Assure all pre-employment activities are done prior. The letter from the Department of Public Welfare on Older Adult Protective Services Act is in terms of background checks for new hires. This is to assure new hires have their criminal background check and FBI clearance. If providers have not done so, please make sure to stay within compliance. Round Table Discussion  Sarah Guyer ~ AHEDD ~ AHEDD will be working with students again this fiscal year as they have received funding for Transition to Adult Life services. Franklin/Fulton Intellectual Disabilities Provider Meeting Friday, August 1, 2014 5  Linda Mayo ~ Occupational Services, Inc. ~ OSI has been providing recycling services and secure document destruction. OSI has purchased a building where these services will be moving to. There is currently one team that handles the recycling but that will be expanded. There will be more information coming. ~ The Summer Youth Work Program has been going well.  Matt Yingling ~ Service Access & Management, Inc. ~ As of yesterday, Tyson Davis, Supports Coordinator will no longer be with SAM. You can contact Shanna or Matt in regards to any individuals that were on her caseload. SAM will be looking to fill the vacant position.  Angela Glocke ~ The ARC ~ The ARC will be hosting the 2nd Annual Walkathon on September 4th to raise awareness for health habits, exercising and socialization. There will be more information coming.  Bridget Pugh ~ Keystone Human Services ~ Annual staff recognition will be in September. ~ Keystone is busy getting ready for annual licensing. All homes are doing well. ~ There was a conference call on the final rule for home and community based services. The rule is to ensure individuals receiving services have full access to the benefits of community living and are able to receive services in the most integrated setting. This was effective March 2014. ~ There is a required training for investigators on ODP deaf services.  Kathy Ibrahim ~ Pennsylvania Mentor ~ PA Mentor is planning their annual picnic. It will be held in Harrisburg this year for family living providers and consumers.  Tim Morris ~ Person Directed Supports ~ PDS will be hosting a Summer Formal Dance on Friday, August 15th. Anyone is able to attend the dance. There is a charge to attend. Tim will provide a flyer containing the information for the dance.  Tammy LaGraffe ~ South Central HCQU ~ Tammy accepted the position as the Director of the HCQU. The HCQU will be hiring a new nurse; interviews will be this month. ~ The Positive Practice Committee Meeting meets quarterly. The next meeting is October 24th. If you have a crisis case you are concerned about, if you need help with discharge planning or help with any case in particular, give Tammy a call. The Committee can come together to brainstorm and help where they can. Any nurse can assist with any team meetings or ISP planning meetings. Franklin/Fulton Intellectual Disabilities Provider Meeting Friday, August 1, 2014 6 ~ If you have any suggestions for work groups or would like to be on any mailing list, please let Tammy know.  Nathan Sullivan ~ Family Care Services, Inc. ~ FCS just finished their 6400 licensing inspection. They are scheduled to have their 6500 licensing inspection shortly. Events & Info  Upcoming HCQU Trainings ~ Grief & Bereavement – August 8th ~ Interpretation of Blood Work – September 12th To register for the HCQU trainings, send the registration form to the HCQU office or email Tammy. Please make sure to indicate what session you would like to attend: morning or afternoon.  Building Bridges Conference ~ September 16th – 17th at the Holiday Inn Harrisburg-Hershey. Next Meeting Date: November 7, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Human Services Building Located at 425 Franklin Farm Lane, Chambersburg Minutes by Erin Nye