HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman_Service_Outcomes_PACHSA_Response Human Service Outcomes with PACHSA Comments – (blue text) HS Outcomes: ID Indicators DBHIDS ID Feedback MH Indicators DBHIDS MH Feedback CYS Indicators DBHIDS CYS Feedback SA Indicators DBHIDS SA Feedback AAA Indicators DBHIDS AAA Feedback Outcome #1: Counties experience a reduction in institutional placements. Partial List of Data Sources for all outcomes: HCSIS Data Warehouse SAMS POMS STARS BHMCO Data QSR CFST IM4Q PAYS Survey Provider Monitoring County tracked data Docu-Share Reports Hornby Zeller report Child Abuse Report  #/ % HCSIS reported incidents o I to I Abuse o Restraints o Psychiatric Hospitaliza tions o Law Enforceme nt Activity  # Individuals receiving Behavioral Supports  # Individuals receiving Supplemental Habilitation  # Individuals receiving Additional Individualized Staffing  # of Positive Practice Review Team meetings held  # Health Care Quality Unit Consultations requested General Feedback (Outcomes 1 & 2): While DBHIDS collects data for most of the proposed ID indicators, many of the measures do not appear to be directly related to the achievement of Outcomes #1 or #2. E.g., provider compliance with ODP standards. Tracking performance related to this priority population is endorsed; however additional time is needed to collaboratively develop quantifiable measures corresponding to desired outcomes.  #/% Living independently  # Utilizing Emergency Shelter  % with income above current Federal Poverty Guidelines  % who spend 30% or less of their income for rent  # residing more than two consecutive years in a State Hospital  #Admissions to State Hospital System per year  # Re- admissions to the State Hospital System per year  # Discharges from State Hospital per year  % voluntary hospitalization s is greater General Feedback (Outcomes 1 & 2): Indicators should be more specific to ensure consistent statewide reporting. e.g., how would information regarding 302 diversions be defined/collected? Based on the large scope of our local network and service population it would be difficult to gather self- report information required by some indicators. The following items should be considered for inclusion: o Evidence Based service use o Use of Peer Services o Emphasis upon public health approaches & outcomes o Indicators related to the diversion and post-release community  # Receiving out of home placement o Kinship Care o Foster Care o Commun ity Res. o Indepen dent Living o RFT o Aging Out  Total days in care by setting (Kinship, Foster, Community, Residential, Supervised IL)  Safety: Exposure to threats of The following items should be considered for inclusion: o Treatment Supported Foster Care o Institutional levels of care o Acute Inpatient Hospitalization o Group Homes o “Supervised Supportive” Independent Living (SSIL) o Residential Treatment Facilities o Aging Out “Reentering care prior to 21 under Act 91” The following items should be considered for inclusion: o Treatment Supported Foster Care o Institutional Care o SSIL  # Utilizing Recovery Specialist  # Arrests/ incarceratio ns  # of assessments completed  # repeat assessments  # SAP consumers identifying as homeless  -CFST Responses  % report being asked to participate in service / Concern that this indicator may reinforce stigma Assessment expectations should vary by level of care Include tracking of assessments that produce inconsistent results. Based upon the National Survey on Drug Use and Health  # of Older Adult Protective Services (OAPS) Cases  # of open AAA cases that are referred to Protective Services  # of Older Adults open at AAA who were referred to and opened by OAPS  # of reported Critical Incidents  # of successful transitions from nursing facilities  # of participants in the Aging Waiver program  #of participants in Options program  Consumer Satisfaction Survey responses on questions related to feeling safe in their environment.  # Emergency Shelter Days General Feedback/Concerns (Outcomes 1 & 2): Tracking performance related to this population is endorsed; however time is needed to collaboratively develop quantifiable measures corresponding to desired outcomes. Based on the expansive scope of our local network and service population it would be difficult to gather extensive self-report information required by some indicators. Gathering person specific, cross-system information also presents unique challenges in a large urban setting. 2 Human Service Outcomes with PACHSA Comments – (blue text) HS Outcomes: ID Indicators DBHIDS ID Feedback MH Indicators DBHIDS MH Feedback CYS Indicators DBHIDS CYS Feedback SA Indicators DBHIDS SA Feedback AAA Indicators DBHIDS AAA Feedback than involuntary and corresponds with BHMCO’s averages for other counties  % of re- admissions as reported by BHMCO  # incarcerations of target 1 & 2 groups  Follow-Up after Hospitalization rates – PA Specific (7 and 30 day counts)  # Crisis Service Contacts/ 302 Diversions per year  # of CHIPP initiatives implemented integration of persons involved with the criminal justice system. harm  Risk to self and others  % Re-Abuse –Re-entry placement rate within 12 months  FAST/CANS assessment  # families utilizing Emergency Shelter treatment planning & goal setting  % report that services were provided on a timely manner  # Utilizing Emergency Shelter utilized  # of older adults accessing Family Caregiver Services  # of older adults utilizing the Emergent Services funding.  # of Active Consumers  # of Completed Level of Care Determinations  # of Level of Care Determination completed within 15 day time frame  # older adults on wait list  # receiving Home Delivered Meals  # of Guardianships Outcome #2: Individuals/ Families have  # of individuals moved from Emergency PUNS to fully served.  # of Recovery – Focused services operating in County  % older adults  Reunificatio n Rate –  Time to Reunificatio n  # Closed  County maintains comprehensi ve service array  # older adults attending County Senior Centers  # RSVP volunteers  3 Human Service Outcomes with PACHSA Comments – (blue text) HS Outcomes: ID Indicators DBHIDS ID Feedback MH Indicators DBHIDS MH Feedback CYS Indicators DBHIDS CYS Feedback SA Indicators DBHIDS SA Feedback AAA Indicators DBHIDS AAA Feedback increased access to services within their communities.  -PUNS updated within 365 days  # of individuals on emergency PUNS and length of time in this status  % report getting services and supports that they need  # Providers successfully completing all phases of Provider Monitoring Process  # Providers meeting ODP qualification standards  # individuals funded by ODP for Supported It is recommended that this measure be eliminated. Compliance with this indicator does not correspond with increased access to community services. in county enrolled at BSU  % receiving mental health services  % report being asked to participate in service / treatment planning & goal setting  % report that services were provided on a timely manner  #of recovery – oriented mental health services available  # available consumer- operated and consumer delivered services in County  % report satisfaction with services and improved quality of life.  % report that they knew that a choice of providers was available. Health Choices criteria for a cases per fy  # of Service referrals  # receiving FGDM Truancy Outreach, Triple P, MST, Housing The following items should be considered for inclusion: o # receiving In- Home Protective Services o % using Parent Café’s within the Community Umbrella Agencies (CUAs) o % accessing behavioral health services o % using Evidence- Based Child Treatment and Child Welfare Services o % graduating high school o % of families involved in treatment  # evidence- based services operating in County  -Results of provider monitoring reviews  CFST Responses  # referred to treatment / # funded by SCA  # Evidence Based #Programs available  # of collaborative prevention events  # of evidence based # receiving treatment Include services delivery or producing promising practices Per the ACA, tracking should not be limited to treatment. Referrals to community-based recovery focused support services, etc. should be included. Redundant with 2nd bullet in this section Consider revising to focus on the number of people who “complete” a given EBP  # Ombudsman Volunteers  # older adults participating in supports groups o Grandpare nts raising Grandchildr en o Family Care Giver Support Group  # Older Adults participating the Home and Community Habilitation Program  # older adults, active in the AAA program, accessing RSVP out of county transportation  Consumer Satisfaction Survey responses on questions related to community inclusion/ participation. 4 Human Service Outcomes with PACHSA Comments – (blue text) HS Outcomes: ID Indicators DBHIDS ID Feedback MH Indicators DBHIDS MH Feedback CYS Indicators DBHIDS CYS Feedback SA Indicators DBHIDS SA Feedback AAA Indicators DBHIDS AAA Feedback Employment or Transitional Work  # of individuals who report volunteering in their community. Housing Indicators-all Categoricals: • # receiving Housing Case Management, Rental Assistance, Emergency Shelter Shelter Plus Care, HAP  % in Poverty choice of at least 2 providers for each service is met  # attending community resources ie. Drop In Center  # involved with County planning process; System of Care Committee; leadership on agency boards  CFST Results  % report having meaningful activities  % report they are accepted in their community  # Employed FT/PT/ Volunteering  # participating in prevention services/ activities  #receiving inpatient D&A services Include Non-hospital D&A treatment