HomeMy WebLinkAbout368 - Daniel McCurdy - Letters of Administration T all Men b thele p,efents, that We yal�� Cu - nre held and firmly bound unto Kegifter for the Probate of Wills, and ommonwealth f Pennfylvania,L ter of oin the and forth my f 1 , m the c Pounds, to be paid to Sum o his certain Attorney, Executors, the faid tourmade Adminiftrators or Afrigns. o the which Payment well anod truly to bis Exe- tive bind ourfelves jointly and feverally for and m the Whole, cutors and Ad iniflr rs, firmly thele pr ts. Sealed.with our Seals, p s, of n the Year of our LORD, Dated the Gi y One lou d hundred and g � urzc� e� y dm if{fat d'i j �f`all and fin I th =nods, ha e s n re( its o ✓, '. �„K.c �� D e ceafe , No:rna F,, or caufe to be made, a true and perfea Inventory of all and fingular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the faid Deceafed; whi have or (hall come to the Hands, Pofleflion or Knowledge of h1;..� the faid e fame or unto the Hands and Poffeilion of any other Perf rio r.i ierssfOf� n the nd lCounty fo made, do exhibit, or caufe to beibited, into next enfuing ; of Franklin, at or before the /r_0 Day of and the fame fronds, Chattels and Credits, and all oth the Goods, Chattels and Cre- dits of the faid Deceafed, at the 'rime of h`i De which at an T me.after fl al! Ha sand Poffcffion of the faid tom to the or unto the Lands and Poffeffion of any other Perfon or Perefons,or to de well an a truly Adminifter according to Law. And further do ma � _ Da o£ true and ' ft Account of by faid Adminiftradti One thou ff ore the hundred and �" r.....-- in the Year of Our Lord, or when thereunto legally required, and all the Reft and Refidue of aid CYoods, Chattels and Credits, which shall be found d and allowed of by the Orupon the d- A iniftrators Account, (the fame being firft exam P han Court of the County of Franklin) thall deliver and pay unto fuck PI rfon or Per- � Ions refpe iveYy, as the Orphan Court by their Deere minty e; , i true Intent and Meaning of the f everal Laws now in F1'orce in is t om eat ' f And if it fhall hereafter appear,that any aft �'Vill and Teff fhall limit and appoint. tament was made by the faid Deceafed, and the Executor orExec utors therein name do exhibit the fame into the faid Regifter's-Office, making Requelt o have it alloweecl and approved accordingly. And if then the above bounden iot5 being thereunto required, do render and deliver the faid Letters of Admtr's-Ot Approbation of fuch'Teflament being firft had and made in the faid Regiiteice heen this Obligation to be Void and of none Effea, or elle to remain in full Farce Virtue. � ye Sealed and Delivered in the P�r�e�fcc�nc�ej�a .) V k __ ; 'Y)n G�"� y �/j7 Gl�� ��l��� � � .e . ��� �� ��� ���-��' �t w _ .