HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDD Provider Meeting Minutes 11-16-18Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Provider Meeting Friday, November 16, 2018 MEETING MINUTES Welcome & Introductions Everyone introduced themselves and their agency affiliation. Ashley Yinger is no longer MH/IDD/EI Administrator as of October 31st. The County is in the process of hiring a new administrator. Fiscal Updates – Ashley McCartney ≠ Friendly Reminders to our Base Funded Providers (Refer to procedure statement MHIDDEI-416) ¤ November 15th: Quarterly Report of Expenditures (July – September) ¤ December 31st: Audited Financial Statements FY17-18 ¤ January 31st: Progress Report on Outcomes in Appendix A ≠ If you have not turned in the November 15th report, please do so at your earliest convenience. If your audit financial statement has not been completed, please let Ashley know by email when it will be completed. Lori Young ≠ AE QA&I Preliminary Results Franklin/Fulton was chosen this year for on-site review (year 2 of the cycle) for Quality Assessment & Improvement (QA&I). For our preliminary results, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has indicated that we do not need to write a plan of correction at this time. Franklin/Fulton will be starting a tracking process when individuals are enrolled into waiver to make sure they are receiving services within 45 days. Franklin/Fulton has not received the entire report yet. Results of the final report will be shared when received. When Supports Coordinators (SCs) are meeting with newly enrolled waiver individuals, families and providers an actual start date of when services will start is needed. AEs are recommending that SCs don’t put a start date in for a service just to meet the timeline of 45 days. AEs have been authorizing services with start dates to find out the services are not even ready to be started by the date that is in the ISP. This has resulted in noncompliance. SCs should be meeting way before the 45 day deadline and notifying providers when services need to start to meet that deadline. ≠ IM4Q Update Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q) interviews and considerations will be starting for FY18-19. IM4Q is still wrapping up considerations from last year. There is a new guardian letter from ODP attorney that will be sent to anyone who has a guardian that is chosen for a survey. It states that the guardian cannot deny IM4Q survey on behalf of the individual. The individual themselves can deny the survey but the guardian cannot. Residential and Lifesharing staff are also unable to deny surveys. If an individual cannot deny a survey based on their condition, it is assumed that they agree to participate in the survey. IDD Provider Meeting Marion Rowe ≠ HCQU ¤ 2019 Training Location The HCQU trainings are being held at the Human Services Building (425 Franklin Farm Lane, Chambersburg) starting in January 2019. Meetings take place the second Friday of the month at 10:00 a.m. Please share this new location! Katie Freeman is in the process of updating the training location page. ¤ Consumer Training The Consumer Training currently takes place in the afternoon after the HCQU trainings (2nd Friday of the month). The attendance has been a fairly small group. It was determined that it would be a better use of the nurses time and more convenient for providers for the nurses to go to provider’s offices to complete the consumer trainings instead of having the currently scheduled 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. training after the HCQU training. This change has not taken place yet as AEs and HCQU wanted to check to see if providers had interest or if they prefer the consumer trainings took place at the HSB. If providers do not have the space at their location, it could be requested to hold the training at the HSB. This would involve notifying Marion to make sure a room is available. Part of this would include the providers being able to choose what training they would like done instead of the HCQU selecting monthly. Providers can schedule the trainings monthly, bi-monthly, etc. Contact Katie Freeman to schedule trainings. Consumer trainings will still be offered at the HSB for the first quarter to allow time for providers to coordinate trainings at their facility. After the first quarter, consumer trainings will no longer be on the syllabus. ¤ Fatal 4 There have not been many provider referrals for training on Fatal 4. It is very important that staff is being trained in this area. There is a new health alert on skin integrity. Please share the alert! Staff that is working with individuals who are not mobile should be completing this training as well. Please submit referrals to Marion. Marion is keeping track of what providers have completed trainings within their agencies. Follow up will be done to make sure staff is being trained. SCs have been encouraged to recommend trainings specific to those on their caseloads. For Fatal 4, you do not have to complete the two (2) hour training all at once. It can be broken into sections. There are plans to host an evening or day training in the spring for families on Fatal 4. Information on this will be sent out at a later date. The County is tracking Fatal 4 incidents. Providers may see recommendations come out from incident reports and Risk Management meetings if there is an incident related to Fatal 4. Providers should be tracking incidents as well as making sure that staff in the home have been trained. ¤ GeneSight HCQU did GeneSight testing information session. A sample of the print out was provided during the meeting. The sample shows medications that would work well for an individual versus another medication. At the GeneSight information IDD Provider Meeting session, it was made clear that not a lot of physicians at Keystone are enrolled with GeneSight but Summit does have some enrolled. Some individuals went through the HCQU to get the testing done but you do not have to go through them. Those who are interested can ask a physician for a referral. In order to get gene testing done, the physician must be an approved provider. Keystone Human Services noted that they had a couple individuals who had gene testing done. It provided really good results. ≠ Human Rights Team A webinar took place regarding Human Rights Committee/Team (HRC/HRT) and the requirements for providers. There have been a lot of changes. Revisions are still being made to the bulletin. When new County procedure statements are released (2019), providers will notice that IDD staff made modifications to the incident management (now Risk Mitigation) procedure statement to include Human Rights Committee. The County will NOT act as a HRT for any providers. The County has made the decision not to act as a HRT due to resources within the county and the difficulty to get the required participants. If you are a provider who develops restrictive procedures you need to make sure you have a HRT. There are specifics of who needs to participate on the team to be able to vote. The webinar should be available on MyODP if you have not viewed it. The County does review restrictive procedures at Risk Management meetings. This process as well as making recommendations will continue. ≠ Dual Diagnosis Peer Support: PeerStar PeerStar has a dual diagnosis Peer Support program. A handout was provided that lists eligibility. If you have individuals you support that are dually diagnosed and meet the criteria, you can refer them to PeerStar. Individuals must have Medical Assistance and a Mental Health diagnosis. PeerStar helps individuals with the recovery process. ≠ ODP Meeting A meeting that was scheduled last month with ODP for provider technical assistance was canceled. Marion sent ODP a list of upcoming provider meeting dates but has not heard back. If there are any questions that providers provided Marion that have not yet been answered, please let Marion know. Marion can send those individual questions to one of the program representatives. Providers can also reach out to program representatives themselves. CSG Mobile Behavioral Intervention Services CSG Mobile Behavioral Intervention Services is for individuals who are 18 years and older that are dually diagnosed that providers have been struggling to support or not making progress. CSG team will come in and work with the current team established to look at other interventions. The current contract is for two (2) individuals for FY18-19. All referrals must come through the AE office. Marion and Jane have reviewed a list and have recommended two (2) individuals they feel would benefit from the services. The hope is for the service to start December 1st. CSG team consists of a clinician who will complete functional behavioral assessments (FBA). In addition, a nurse will be on duty. The team will participate in psychiatric appointments, be responsible for developing behavioral support plans of their own (even though the team will IDD Provider Meeting already have one), collaborate with current behavioral support specialist, etc. CSG services are not long term, typically six (6) months; it’s a support team. The team is not there to step in and take over but to provide additional support. The team identifies challenges and addresses them as well as teaches and educates staff. CSG currently provides services to Cumberland/Perry, Dauphin, Lebanon and Lancaster counties. The service has worked well in other counties and Franklin is eager to get it started. If the service goes well, the hope is to expand and continue the service. If providers have an individual that they feel would benefit from the service, please let Marion and Jane know. A referral form must be completed by the SC and submitted to Marion and Jane who will then submit the referral to CSG. Marion and Jane will reach out to providers regarding the two (2) individuals they feel would benefit from the service currently. The team should then meet to see if they agree. Any additional referrals made will be added to a wait list. Lori Nimmon is the Behavioral Intervention Coordinator for CSG. She will be attending the next IDD Provider Meeting to provide an overview of the service, state what they have been doing as far as services and the plans going forward. Provider Updates ≠ Service Access & Management, Inc. (SAM) SAM Franklin office is planning to move the first week of January right off Orchard Drive. SAM Supports Coordination is fully staffed. ≠ ARC of Franklin and Fulton Counties Holiday Party is scheduled for December 18th. Bowling Fundraiser is scheduled for January 13th at Nellie Fox. You can find more information on ARC newsletter. ≠ Kaleidoscope Family Solutions Kaleidoscope is moving from Carlisle to Chambersburg on December 5th. They will be located on Cleveland Avenue in the Sunny Hill Building. Kaleidoscope is looking to host an open house in January. Events & Info ≠ Upcoming Events ¤ Night to Shine is February 8th. They are still looking for volunteers. If interested, you can contact Antrim Brethren in Christ Church. Volunteers must have all their clearances and go through orientation in January. ≠ Upcoming HCQU Trainings ¤ 12/14 ~ Depression (10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.); Consumer Training – Boundaries (1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.) 2019 Meeting Schedule February 15th May 17th August 16th November 15th Minutes by Erin Nye