HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDD Provider Meeting Minutes 08-20-21Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
Provider Meeting
Friday, August 20, 2021
Welcome & Introductions
This meeting was held via Google Meet. Marion Rowe confirmed which providers were
present prior to the beginning of the meeting.
Jane Cline
Mobile Community Nurse
The IDD program has hired Kelly Ellerman as a mobile community nurse. Kelly is
stationed in Shippensburg but is available to help families with organizing
medication, nursing questions, and act as a liaison with doctors. Nonresidential
providers can make a referral by reaching out to the IDD Program Specialists at
Franklin/Fulton MH/IDD/EI.
Community Participation Supports (CPS) & Transportation Rate Increase
The CPS and transportation rates increased on August 1, 2021. However, the rate
increases weren’t retroactive back to July 1, 2021. Based on the new rate, thirty-
eight (38) individuals will be over the Person Family Directed Support (PFDS)
Waiver cap. Jane had to submit the information to the Office of Developmental
Programs (ODP) for Cap Exceptions due to the increase rates. The services will
remain in pending until ODP approves the cap exceptions. The rate increases will
be in place until June 30, 2021. Individuals starting in CPS programs will need to
have services within the PFDS cap of $33,000.
Listening Sessions
Jane encouraged providers to sign up for the listening sessions for the renewal of
the Consolidated, Person Family Directed Supports (PFDS), and Community Living
Waivers. It is a fifteen (15) minute overview but ODP is accepting comments at
the end of the listening session. The Administrative Entity’s (AE) comments
concerned unbundling services like behavioral supports and increasing the PFDS
Lori Young
Quality Assessment & Improvement (QA&I) Interim Review
Due to the rising number of COVID cases, all QA&I on-sites will be virtual per the
latest guidance from ODP. There are no on-sites scheduled for any of the
providers that Lori is the lead for or Administrative Entity (AE). Jessica Martin
announced that all parties will need to be present on the video for the virtual
entrance and exit conference. Jessica will be sending out more information
along with the QA&I process document.
Providers are required to select their own sample for self-assessments. The self-
assessments need to be filled out by October 31, 2021. Providers only have one
(1) question on training. The tool can be found at www.myodp.org but the link to
QuestionPro for the training question will not be available until September 1,
2021. Providers will need to select 25% of their staff or no more than twenty-five
(25) staff total.
IDD Provider Meeting
Providers no longer have to send the assigned AE QuestionPro confirmations
once it is submitted. Providers should save the confirmation in case ODP has
questions about the submission.
Marion Rowe
Incident Management Updates
Marion has been filtering through the updates to provide information on what to
look for and common errors.
I. The Provider Information Page
There is now a section to enter the immediate contact person information.
The immediate contact information will be used by ODP, the County, or
incident reviewers as the primary contact for information about that
specific incident. Previously, the information pre-populated with the
provider’s director’s information. Most directors would not have detailed
information about the incident. Please make sure the person listed has
detailed knowledge of the incident.
II. Target Identifier
The Incident Management (IM) Bulletin changed the Target Identifier to
the first two (2) initials of the individual’s first name, last name, and last four
(4) digits of their Social Security Number (SSN). The change was not coded
properly and is currently not working. Due to the issue, please continue to
use the individual’s initials and the last four (4) numbers of the SSN.
III. Moving Violation
Moving Violation is now a secondary category under Neglect regardless if
it is an agency or staff vehicle.
IV. Emergency Room (ER) Visits
An incident report is no longer required for illness related ER visits if
discharged the same day. The only time an incident report is needed is if
the individual is hospitalized due to a serious illness. A provider can enter
the information in an optional report but it is not required.
o Dave Pall (PA Mentor) wanted clarification about submitting an
EIM for a head injury resulting in an ER visit. Marion confirmed that
would be considered an injury and not an illness. A head injury
would still fall under serious bodily injury.
V. Death Reports
Providers no longer need to send the County copies of death certificates
or supporting documentation. Providers have the ability to upload
documents directly into the incident report. In the past, providers would
send the documents to Marion. Marion would send the information to
ODP upon the reviewer’s request. This resulted in the submission of
duplicate documents. Marion is working on death reports with ODP from
2018. Uploading documents directly into Enterprise Incident Management
(EIM) will alleviate a lot of the issues involved in retrieving documents.
IDD Provider Meeting
VI. Regional Comments and County Initial Comments
Please review the regional comments and County initial comments prior
to finalizing your incident reports. This will ensure that all required
information has been entered for the reviewers. Providers can reach out
to Jane, Marion, or Lori if they have questions about filtering through the
A new training platform is being developed to help navigate EIM. It will be
a great tool for providers and IDD staff. Marion will continue to look for
trends or items that providers are having issues with for future discussions.
o Tony Fisher (Family Care Services) mentioned there were issues with
the new medication errors category. If there are two (2)
consecutive misses for any reason it is a medication error. A
separate report will need filed for failure to provide med
management under neglect. Two (2) incident reports need to be
completed in this situation.
Another new requirement is the Certified Investigative Report (CIR)
and admin review need to be entered in the EIM. The admin
reviewer rules are all new. Providers will need to add the admin
roles to the Identity Minder. Marion confirmed that the admin
reviewer role has to be added to the provider profile.
The first admin review was tricky due to a plan of correction being
created for all investigative concerns noted by the certified
investigator. The information is pre-populated on the corrective
action screen for the admin review. A plan of correction is needed
for all of the pre-populated investigative concerns. Prior to the
changes, Marion would always send the concerns and
recommendations to the Supports Coordination Organizations
(SCO) to review with the team for county investigations. Tony
mentioned that it used to be a manual process but now every
single field needs to be completed. Tony couldn’t get the screen to
validate the information if it wasn’t completely filled out. Marion is
going to look into this further. Cindy Seemiller noticed that the
boxes appear to be greyed out and it is tricky.
o Cindy Seemiller (Pennsylvania Health Management) had a
question about uploading the signature page from the CIR prior to
the admin review being submitted. Cindy attempted to upload the
signature page but was unable to add it to the CIR. Marion hasn’t
had any experience uploading documents prior to finalizing the
report. Marion will follow up.
Pennsylvania Health Management is an IDD waiver provider and
offers service coordination through the Office of Long Term Living
(OLTL). There is a bug in the system affecting Providers listed under
dual role in EIM. PA Health should not be listed under dual role and
shouldn’t be able to see the categories of passive neglect or
IDD Provider Meeting
assault and neglect. Only the SCO should be entering information
into those categories and not the provider. There is an extra
question when assigning a certified investigator about who is
conducting the investigation. The two (2) choices are SCO or
Administrative Entity. If SCO is not selected, the provider
investigator will never be triggered. The bug is supposed to be fixed
in September. Marion asked Shanna Golden if Service Access and
Management (SAM) experienced this issue. Shanna confirmed that
SAM has not encountered the issue in EIM. Cindy explained that it
was only an issue if listed under two (2) different waivers for the
provider’s services. ODP is aware and working on this issue.
Please reach to Marion or ODP if you run into any issues with the changes to the
EIM system.
Residential Individual Support Plan Ratio Trainings
Marion wanted to make sure providers received the information to sign up for
the trainings. The last training happened prior to COVID. The trainings are being
reissued to residential providers since many providers are struggling with staffing
right now. The training information will be included in the handouts along with
the meeting minutes. Marion encouraged the residential providers to sign up for
one of the trainings even if they had done so in the past.
Certified Investigation Courses
The courses through December are full. If there is an emergency and an
investigator needs to sign up for a training, email Theresa Toombs with ODP with
details about the situation.
Marion Rowe and Jane Cline
Back-up Plans Best Practices
IDD has been working on a document that Blair County uses as a best practices
tool to develop backup plans. IDD modified the document to fit Franklin and
Fulton Counties. Providers are not required to utilize it but it is a great resource for
creating backup plans for services and to recognize and minimize risk. The
document will be sent to providers with the meeting minutes. Marion shared her
screen and highlighted certain key points.
I. Jane explained that if a provider is unable to provide a service at the
agreed upon time, it is technically neglect. A good backup plan will be
able to illustrate when the individual is at risk. The plan should include the
provider’s policy for additional or replacement staff as needed.
II. The highlighted red items deal with planning for call offs, no shows,
contact for the family, and steps the provider will take to find
replacement staff. These items should be discussed and included in the
backup plan. The more detailed the information, the more
comprehensive the plan will be.
III. The plan should be person centered and focus on the individual’s needs.
The backup plan can change as the individual’s needs change.
IDD Provider Meeting
Marion hopes providers will utilize the tool to help mitigate risks involved when
individuals do not get the proper supports or needed services. Jane stated that
when an incident happens, ODP and the AE can look at the backup plan to
determine if it was a viable plan for the individual.
Shanna Golden
Supports Coordination Organization (SCO) Updates/Refresher
SAM is hiring their twelfth SC. It is a new hire position and a caseload is being built
for the new SC. There is going to be some growing pains and pulling some
people that don’t want to be pulled. SAM is currently using a hybrid version for
visits based on the preference of the individual and their family. All protocols for
visits are COVID safe. Please contact SAM if there are any issues or there is an
individual that really needs SAM’s services.
The SC’s are being required to turn on their away messages more frequently.
Please don’t be alarmed if it seems like the SC’s are never available. If there is an
urgent situation please reach out to Shanna or Matt Yingling. The SC’s have a
flexible schedule and there have been times where the SC’s emails were not
correct. It is possible that an away message could be sent, but the SC will be
available thirty (30) seconds later. The idea is that individuals contacting SAM get
some form of response right away.
Please reach out to Shanna or Matt with any concerns or issues. Please be
specific about any issues that are reported to Shanna and Matt. Shanna will
send the updated roster to Marion once the new SC is hired but it could take
longer to determine the caseload.
Stacey Brookens
Resource Update
Stacey has been having conversations with Garrett, Rich, Rob, and Tyler at the
Chambers’ Apothecary. The Chambers’ Apothecary has been working with IDD
on some issues with families in the community. The Apothecary has plenty of
personal protective equipment (PPE) including masks, face shields, cleaning
products, gloves, and sanitizer. If any providers are in need of PPE, the
Chambers’ Apothecary can supply the products. The Chambers’ Apothecary
can make five (5) gallon buckets of hand sanitizer and provide the dispensers.
Stacey asked for a pricing list and some contact information. Tyler is working on it
and hopes to get it to Stacey by early next week. The cleaning supplies can be
delivered by the pallet full and orders can be fulfilled in a couple of days.
Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU) Updates
Marion provided the updates on behalf of Katie Freeman.
The HCQU office has officially moved to Mechanicsburg. The HCQU phone
number and email have not changed.
The nurses and staff will continue to work virtually for now due to the rising COVID
numbers. Currently, the new offices are not set up to hold conference meetings.
The HCQU has access to another location for large meetings but their new office
is only set up for one (1) to two (2) people.
IDD Provider Meeting
Any provider can generate a HCQU referral. It is encouraged that providers go
through the SC for referrals. A County representative will review the referrals and
approve them for submission to the HCQU. It is a lot easier to track referrals if it
goes through the SC but the referral process is the same. If providers want to
email a referral make sure to carbon copy (Cc) someone from the County and
the SC. The HCQU will make sure the County is okay with the referral. Referrals
are being submitted electronically to the HCQU. They will then reach out to the
contact person to coordinate the education and training sessions. The HCQU is
still the point of contact for Health Risk Screening (HRS). Marion has noticed that
some HRS information is being recorded in the Individual Support Plan (ISP).
Marion asked residential program providers if the information in the Health Risk
Screening Tool (HRST) was helpful.
o Tony stated that the HRST is great but the initial implementation
process was difficult. The initial HRST’s took a lot of time but the
updates don’t take as much time. There are a ton of reports on the
HRST and it is a powerful database. Tony utilizes the due dates
report the most. It can generate email reminders each month. HRST
information can be organized by field, generate reports, email
reminders, and has great medication tracking.
o Chuck Nussbaum (Keystone Human Services) uses the HRST as a
basis for risk mitigation planning. It was a lot of work to get
everything set up.
Friendly reminders of due dates for our Base funded providers
(See Procedure Statement MHIDDEI-416)
o August 15th – Quarterly Report of Expenditures (April – June)
o August 15th – Salary Review (FY ending 6/30)
o August 15th – Property Purchased/Leased Report (FY ending 6/30)
o August 15th – Fixed Assets Purchased with MH/ID/EI funds (FY 6/30)
o September 30th – MCR Report (Program Funded Only)
o November 15th – Quarterly Report of Expenditures (July-September)
If you have any fiscal questions, please contact Ashley McCartney
Round Table/Provider Updates
Keystone Human Services – Chuck Nussbaum
Chuck’s successor has been selected but it is not yet official. Once it is official,
the name of the individual will be released. Jennifer Miller has just finished week
three (3) and will be taking over half of the homes from Adrienne High. Chuck’s
last day is August 27, 2021.
A home, with a capacity for two (2) but only one (1) individual in it, was
consolidated due to staffing concerns. Keystone has been advertising a hiring
bonus on local billboards. It has not been as effective as hoped.
IDD Provider Meeting
Community Participation Supports (CPS) has been reduced. There was a little
bump in the ability to get out in the community. Staffing is becoming an issue
and there is a small waitlist. CPS will be back up and running soon.
Family Care Services (FCS) – Tony Fisher
COVID has created a lot of staffing issues. The staff and their families have
experienced increased stress due to COVID.
The Lifesharing Conference has been changed to virtual only. It was originally
scheduled to take place in the fall at the Kalahari Resort. It will cost $75 for the
virtual two (2) day training.
ODP has developed new codes for respite for LifeSharing due to problems with
the old codes.
Tony attended the LifeSharing Coalition meeting on August 19th. There were a lot
of LifeSharing providers struggling with the Approved Program Capacity (APC)
change. LifeSharing providers need to bill the APC not the capacity of the
home. Any LifeSharing providers that want more information can reach out to
the AE. Tony is willing to the share the ODP information with any interested
LifeSharing providers. The APC can’t be changed just because a client moves
out of the residence.
o Ron Molesky and Katie Marie were present at the Lifesharing Coalition
meeting. Ron and Katie gave a presentation on bedroom and entry door
locks. ODP is looking at it very closely during inspections. ODP wants more
information in assessments and ISP’s if the individual doesn’t have a
bedroom door that locks. ODP will require additional information if the
individual doesn’t have a key for the front door.
Lifesharing regulations were updated in February of 2020. The new regulations
did not have a regulatory compliance guide (RCG) like group homes. The
chapter 6400’s have a compliance guide. It appears that ODP is using the
chapter 6500 regulations for Lifesharing. It has been recommended that
providers look at the 6400 RCG information.
Occupational Services, Inc. (OSI) – Gabby Snider
OSI is accepting referrals for the CPS in-facility program. OSI is facing a support
crisis with staffing and is in desperate need of job coaches. An ad for the
positions is on Indeed.
Volunteers of America(VOA) – Jane Merolla
VOA started in Pennsylvania in 1894. Most of the historical services have been
with homeless or disabled populations. The services have been expanded in the
last five (5) years to include IDD services up in the northeast. In recent months the
services have been introduced statewide at all VOA locations. VOA is thrilled to
be in Franklin County and providing in home and community supports. VOA
could potentially offer 6400’s and day programs in Franklin County at some
point. VOA is also dealing with the staffing issues that all providers are facing. As
soon as there is a positive COVID case, the staff issues start up again.
IDD Provider Meeting
Person Directed Supports (PDS) – Rachel Travis
PDS is experiencing staffing issues and getting applicants in the door. Applicants
are not showing up for interviews or finishing the process. This is affecting
providing for new referrals for CPS and day services.
PDS is getting ready to open a new home in the fall for an individual they have
been working with for over a year.
Walgreen pharmacies statewide have the third dose of vaccines for the
immunocompromised population. It is not available to everyone at this time.
Pennsylvania Health Management – Cindy Seemiller
Pennsylvania Health Management provides IDD in home and community
supports, companion, respites, behavioral supports, nursing, and waiver eligible
transportation through a contract with Uber. Pennsylvania Health Management
is a service coordination agency for the OLTL waiver and a drug and alcohol
program for about the last eight (8) or nine (9) years. The IDD program started in
February of 2019.
Tender Hearted Services – Ashley Poole
Ads have been placed for open positions and people are applying. It seems like
individuals are filling out the applications just to meet the unemployment
guidelines and not following through with the process.
Marion encouraged providers to notify IDD about staffing issues and IDD will try
to assist if possible. Some providers have ads that are being sent out with the
County’s mailing list. Please notify the office if it is impacting services for
Upcoming Trainings
See attached HCQU trainings
Next Provider Meeting
Friday, November 19, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
Minutes by Larry Reed