HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-08-16 Commissioner Minutes TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2016 The Franklin County Commissioners met Tuesday, August 16, 2016, with the following members present: David S. Keller, Robert L. Thomas and Robert G. Ziobrowski. Chairman Keller presided and after calling the meeting to order, a Moment of Silence, and the Pledge of Allegiance, proceeded with the business of the day. Chairman Keller announced that the County Solicitor asked to include an item on the agenda today. Mary Beth Shank, County Solicitor, requested an addition to the agenda of a brief solicitor time to review a contract with the Board. On a motion by Robert G. Ziobrowski; seconded by Robert L. Thomas; unanimously approved to adopt the amended agenda. There was no public comment. The minutes of the August 11, 2016 meeting were reviewed. These will be approved Thursday, August 18, 2016. The Board reviewed Agreements, Contracts and Reports. Traci Kline, Area Agency on Aging Director, was present to explain board action item #2, Aging's 4 year plan. Ms. Kline explained that every PA Area Agency on Aging is required to do a 4 year plan to provide direction of what they are going to do in those 4 years. There are 4 goals that are set by the PA Department of Aging. The following are the goals: Promote existing services; improve access to services; enhance quality of services; and empower the workforce. Ms. Kline provided her department's objectives for each goal. Mr. Hart explained that the PA Department of Aging required a signed document yesterday so the Board will need to ratify a vote of the plan today and approve the Chairman's signature from yesterday. Commissioner Thomas explained that the Grant In Aid, board action item #1, we received $151,000 from the state last year but reality is this is another item from the state that they should be paying for. This program is costing us $3.7M and the state through its program have not increased any fees or reimbursement. He said this is why counties are having challenges because others are not paying what they should be paying. Mr. Hart responded that legislation states they shall fund it but every year it has gotten less and less. The following item was approved today while the remaining items will be approved Thursday, August 18, 2016. The Board reviewed Aging Office matters. On a motion by Robert G. Ziobrowski; seconded by Robert L. Thomas; unanimously approved to ratify Chairman Keller's authorizing of submitting the Four-year plan yesterday as required by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging for the years of 2016-2020. The Advisory Council has reviewed the plan and the President of the Council has signed off. Mary Beth Shank, County Solicitor, asked the Board to approve a cost sharing agreement with the Tuscarora School District to share in litigation costs for tax assessment appeals. The School District will pay 80% while the County will pay 20% of costs. On a motion by Robert G. Ziobrowski; seconded by Robert L. Thomas; unanimously approved to authorize Ms. Shank to sign the agreement with the Tuscarora School District. Attorney Andrew Benchoff was present to request an executive session to discuss the tax appeal of M&T Bank in Waynesboro, PA. Mr Benchoff is representing the county in this matter due to a conflict with the solicitor's office. Mr. Benchoff stated that there may be action required after the executive session. On a motion by Robert G. Ziobrowski; seconded by Robert L. Thomas; unanimously approved to enter an executive session at 9:54 a.m. this date for the purpose to review pending litigation: M&T Bank v. Franklin County Board of Assessment and Revision of Taxes matters. The Board reconvened into regular session at 10:22 a.m. Attorney Andrew Benchoff asked approval to settle an assessment appeal with M&T Bank, Docket#2006-03522. Attorney Benchoff explained the old assessment was $699,500. This agreement would change the assessment to $377,000 for the year 2015 and $345,800 for the year 2016 and going forward. On a motion by Robert G. Ziobrowski; seconded by Robert L. Thomas; unanimously approved to authorize Attorney Benchoff to enter into an agreement with M&T Bank and the Waynesboro School District. The County will refund M&T Bank in the amount of$18,744.26 for the years 2015 & 2016. The meeting was adjourned at 10:27 a.m. with a motion by Robert G. Ziobrowski; seconded by Robert L. Thomas. FRANKLIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS