HomeMy WebLinkAboutBettyTo all to whom these presents shall come. Whereas upon the twelfth day of August one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight, an indenture was entered into and executed between William Marshall and Robert Campbell overseers of the poor of Peters Township late of Cumberland County with consent of Samuel Culbertson and George Matthews two of the Justices of the peace for the said County of the one part and me James Cross of the said County now of Franklin County Farmer of the other part Binding on the terms therein specified Betty a mulatto Daughter to Ann Holliday a Servant to me the said James Cross for the space of thirty one years. And whereas by an act of Assembly of this state Entitled “an act for the gradual abolition of slavery” it is inter alia Enacted that no Negro or Mulatto within this state shall from and after the first day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty, be deemed a slave or servant for life, or till the age of Thirty one years unless his or her name and shall be entered or Recorded in the manner Directed by the said act and whereas the said Mulatto Girl named Betty was not entered or recorded as thereby directed and being willing to secure unto her her freedom from the above Mentioned Indentures Therefore Know ye that I the said James Cross hath remised, released and forever discharged and by these presents do for myself my heirs, Executors and Administrators Remise Release and forever discharge the said William Marshall and Robert Campbell overseers of the poor and the said Mulatto Girl named Betty of and from the said Indenture and all service and other matter and things therein contained and hereby declare her entirely liberated and all service and other matter and things therein contained, and hereby declare her entirely liberated and free from said service. In Testimony whereof I hereunto have set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of July of our Lord one thousand and eighty five.
Signed and Sealled the deed consisting of this the preceeding page in presences of Ralph Bowie Edward Crawford.
James Cross (seal)
To all to whom these presents shall come. Whereas upon the twelfth day of August one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight, an indenture was entered into and executed between William Marshall and Robert Campbell overseers of the poor of Peters Township late of Cumberland County with consent of Samuel Culbertson and George Matthews two of the Justices of the peace for the said County of the one part and me James Cross of the said County now of Franklin County Farmer of the other part Binding on the terms therein specified Betty a mulatto Daughter to Ann Holliday a Servant to me the said James Cross for the space of thirty one years. And whereas by an act of Assembly of this state Entitled “an act for the gradual abolition of slavery” it is inter alia Enacted that no Negro or Mulatto within this state shall from and after the first day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty, be deemed a slave or servant for life, or till the age of Thirty one years unless his or her name and shall be entered or Recorded in the manner Directed by the said act and whereas the said Mulatto Girl named Betty was not entered or recorded as thereby directed and being willing to secure unto her her freedom from the above Mentioned Indentures Therefore Know ye that I the said James Cross hath remised, released and forever discharged and by these presents do for myself my heirs, Executors and Administrators Remise Release and forever discharge the said William Marshall and Robert Campbell overseers of the poor and the said Mulatto Girl named Betty of and from the said Indenture and all service and other matter and things therein contained and hereby declare her entirely liberated and all service and other matter and things therein contained, and hereby declare her entirely liberated and free from said service. In Testimony whereof I hereunto have set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of July of our Lord one thousand and eighty five.
Signed and Sealled the deed consisting of this the preceeding page in presences of Ralph Bowie Edward Crawford.
James Cross (seal)